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Design, integration and electrical characterization of electronic devices. Structural and electrical characterization of materials for advanced data storage, resistive switching memories and phase change materials. Solid state phase transitions, induced by laser, electric pulses or ion beam irradiation. Development of catalysts for solar fuels.
She received the B.S. degree (cum laude) in 1998 and the Ph.D. degree in Physics from the University of Catania, Italy, 2002. From 2002 to 2004 she was Post Doc at the University of Catania, working on phase change materials for non-volatile memories. In 2004 she joined STMicroelectronics, Catania, at the R&D Department working on design and integration of electronic devices. Since December 2011 she is a Staff Research Scientist at IMM-CNR, Catania.
Her research interests are in the field of the development of semiconductor devices and of electrical and structural characterization of electronic materials, with focus on phase change materials and on novel catalysts for solar fuels production. She is author of 6 US issued patents, about 70 scientific and technical papers published in international refereed journals, more than 40 technical reports, and she has contributed to 2 book chapters. She has presented oral and poster contributions at numerous international conferences/workshops, with 6 invited presentations at international conferences.
Guest Editor of Special Issue "Materials and Devices for Solar to Hydrogen Energy Conversion", Energies
Chair of the symposium on Phase Change Materials at the 2017 MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix and at the 2018 MRS Spring Meeting.
Some Recent Publications:
- Ni foam electrode solution impregnated with Ni-FeX(OH)Y catalysts for efficient oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline electrolyzers!divAbstract
- Disordering process of GeSb2Te4 induced by ion irradiation
Journal of Physics D: Applied PhysicsVolume 53, Issue 13, 17 January 2020, Article number 134001
Scientific Productions
Combined Effect of Pressure and Temperature on Nitrogen Reduction Reaction in Water
Energies [MDPI], Volume: 17 Issue: 12 Pages: 2963
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing [Pergamon], Volume: 174 Pages: 108175
Gold Ultralow Loading on Nickel Foam for Nitrogen Electrochemical Reduction
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 244 [The Electrochemical Society, Inc.], Issue: 21 Pages: 1283-1283
Ultra-Low Loading of Gold on Nickel Foam for Nitrogen Electrochemistry
Nanomaterials [MDPI], Volume: 13 Issue: 21 Pages: 2850
Evaluation of Voltage-Matched 2T Multi-Junction Modules Based on Monte Carlo Ray Tracing
Energies [MDPI], Volume: 16 Issue: 11 Pages: 4292
Strategies to improve the catalytic activity of Fe-based catalysts for nitrogen reduction reaction
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy [Pergamon],
Data in Brief [Elsevier], Volume: 45 Pages: 108609
Iron Based Catalysts for Nitrogen Reduction Reaction
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 242 [The Electrochemical Society, Inc.], Issue: 48 Pages: 1809-1809
Role of the Membrane Transport Mechanism in Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction Experiments
Membranes [MDPI], Volume: 12 Issue: 10 Pages: 969
Solar Energy [Pergamon], Volume: 241 Pages: 483-491
Growth, Electronic and Electrical Characterization of Ge-Rich Ge-Sb-Te Alloy.
Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland) [], Volume: 12 Issue: 8
Crystallization and Electrical Properties of Ge-Rich GeSbTe Alloys
Nanomaterials [MDPI], Volume: 12 Issue: 4 Pages: 631
The Effects of Module Temperature on the Energy Yield of Bifacial Photovoltaics: Data and Model
Energies [MDPI], Volume: 15 Issue: 1 Pages: 22
Solar RRL [], Pages: 2100479
Journal of Applied Physics [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 128 Issue: 15 Pages: 155105
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy [Pergamon], Volume: 45 Issue: 51 Pages: 26583-26594
Journal of power sources [Elsevier], Volume: 473 Pages: 228619
New insight into Pt nucleation mechanism on Si surface during galvanic displacement deposition
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids [Pergamon], Pages: 109722
Disordering process of GeSb2Te4 induced by ion irradiation
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 53 Issue: 13 Pages: 134001
Sustainable Energy & Fuels [Royal Society of Chemistry],
Ion beam induced transient amorphous nucleation in silicon
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 462 Pages: 130-138
RSC Advances [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 10 Issue: 43 Pages: 25426-25434
Disordering processes of GeSb2Te4 induced by ion irradiation
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing],
Energies [MDPI], Volume: 12 Issue: 11 Pages: 2064
Electroless Deposited IrOx Nanoparticles for Ni Foam Functionalization with Low Iridium Loading
ECS Meeting Abstracts [IOP Publishing], Issue: 29 Pages: 1435
Electroless Deposited IrOx Nanoparticles for Ni Foam Functionalization with Low Iridium Loading
Meeting Abstracts [The Electrochemical Society], Issue: 29 Pages: 1435-1435
Energies [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 12 Issue: 16 Pages: 3116
Atomic disordering processes in crystalline GeTe induced by ion irradiation
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 51 Issue: 49 Pages: 495103
SiCILIA-Silicon Carbide Detectors for Intense Luminosity Investigations and Applications.
Sensors [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 18 Issue: 7 Pages: 2289
Silicon Carbide detectors for nuclear physics experiments at high beam luminosity
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. [], Volume: 1056 Issue: 1 Pages: 012032
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy [Pergamon], Volume: 43 Issue: 16 Pages: 7903-7910
Scientific reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-2
Atomic diffusion in laser irradiated Ge rich GeSbTe thin films for phase change memory applications
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 51 Issue: 14 Pages: 145103
Materials Science and Engineering: B [Elsevier], Volume: 225 Pages: 128-133
Crystallization properties of Sb-rich GeSbTe alloys by in-situ morphological and electrical analysis
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing [Pergamon], Volume: 65 Pages: 100-107
Strain Development and Damage Accumulation Under Ion Irradiation of Polycrystalline Ge–Sb–Te Alloys
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters [ASP], Volume: 9 Pages: 1-7
Crystallization properties of Sb-rich GeSbTe alloys by in-situ morphological and electrical analysis
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing [Pergamon], Volume: 65 Pages: 100-107
Strain Development and Damage Accumulation Under Ion Irradiation of Polycrystalline Ge–Sb–Te Alloys
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters [American Scientific Publishers], Volume: 9 Issue: 7 Pages: 1095-1101
Scientific reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-9
Scientific reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-7
Formation, Morphology and Optical Properties of Electroless Deposited Gold Nanoparticles on 3C-SiC
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C [American Chemical Society], Volume: 121 Issue: 8 Pages: 4304-4311
Applied Physics Express [IOP Publishing], Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Pages: 036601
Chemical and structural arrangement of the trigonal phase in GeSbTe thin films
Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 28 Issue: 6 Pages: 065706
Structural and electronic transitions in G e 2 S b 2 T e 5 induced by ion irradiation damage
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 94 Issue: 9 Pages: 094103
Metal - Insulator Transition Driven by Vacancy Ordering in GeSbTe Phase Change Materials
Scientific reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-7
Phase Transitions in Ge-Sb-Te Alloys Induced by Ion Irradiations
MRS Advances [Materials Research Society], Volume: 1 Issue: 39 Pages: 2701-2709
Corrigendum: Metal-Insulator Transition Driven by Vacancy Ordering in GeSbTe Phase Change Materials
Scientific reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 6
Silicon carbide detectors study for NUMEN project
EPJ Web of Conferences [EDP Sciences], Volume: 117 Pages: 10006
Ageing mechanisms of highly active and stable nickel-coated silicon photoanodes for water splitting
Journal of Materials Chemistry A [Royal Society of Chemistry], Volume: 4 Issue: 21 Pages: 8053-8060
Optimization of Ion Implantation processes for 4H-SiC DIMOSFET
MRS Advances, available on CJO2016. doi [], Volume: 10 Pages: 1557
Conductive filament structure in HfO 2 resistive switching memory devices
Solid-State Electronics [Pergamon], Volume: 111 Pages: 161-165
Structural transformations in Ge2Sb2Te5 under high pressure and temperature
Journal of Applied Physics [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 118 Issue: 6 Pages: 064503
Structural transformations in Ge {sub 2} Sb {sub 2} Te {sub 5} under high pressure and temperature
Journal of Applied Physics [], Volume: 118 Issue: 6
Materials Science and Engineering: B [Elsevier], Volume: 198 Pages: 14-19
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [IEEE], Volume: 61 Issue: 8 Pages: 2879-2885
Further bibliography & abbreviations
International Meeting for the Restoration of the Acropolis Monuments [], Volume: 4 Pages: 5
Microscopy study of the conductive filament in HfO 2 resistive switching memory devices
Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 109 Pages: 75-78
Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 103 Issue: 7 Pages: 071901
Mixed phase Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films with temperature independent resistivity
AIP Advances [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Pages: 012105
Morphological and electrical characterization of electrically trimmable thin-film resistors
IEEE transactions on electron devices [IEEE], Volume: 59 Issue: 12 Pages: 3549-3554
Ion Implantation in Phase Change Ge2Sb2Te5 Thin Films for Non Volatile Memory Applications
Ion Implantation [BoD–Books on Demand], Pages: 129
Design and characterization of single photon avalanche diodes arrays
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment [North-Holland], Volume: 617 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 432-433
Morphological and electrical characterization of SixCryCzBv thin films
Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 87 Issue: 3 Pages: 430-433
Amorphous-fcc transition in Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5
Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 87 Issue: 3 Pages: 294-300
LNS. ACTIVITY REPORT [], Volume: 4 Pages: 246-249
First results from heavy-ion beams irradiation facility at LNS-INFN
LNS. ACTIVITY REPORT [], Volume: 4 Pages: 221-223
Proceeding of 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland [],
Studies of astrophysical plasmas in laboratory by laser ablation
LNS. ACTIVITY REPORT [], Volume: 2009 Pages: 166-169
LNS. ACTIVITY REPORT [], Volume: 4 Pages: 242-245
Bi-dimensional arrays of SPAD for time-resolved single photon imaging
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment [North-Holland], Volume: 610 Issue: 1 Pages: 138-141
reactions [], Volume: 12 Issue: 15 Pages: 16
Ion beam application in the enhancement of biodiversity
LNS. ACTIVITY REPORT [], Volume: 3 Pages: 223-225
Effects of nocodazole and ionizing radiation on cell proliferation and delayed luminescence
Paper presented at the National Conference of Physics [],
arXiv preprint arXiv:0804.2913 [],
Single photon avalanche photodiodes arrays
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical [Elsevier], Volume: 138 Issue: 2 Pages: 306-312
Phase change mechanisms in Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5
Journal of applied physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 102 Issue: 1 Pages: 013516
Silicon Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes
Optoelectronics Letters [Tianjin University of Technology], Volume: 3 Pages: 177-180
LOCOS induced stress effects on SOI bipolar devices
Microelectronics Reliability [Pergamon], Volume: 47 Issue: 4-5 Pages: 802-805
Effects of dopants on the amorphous-to-fcc transition in Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 thin films
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [North-Holland], Volume: 257 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 352-354
Multipixel geiger-mode photon detectors for ultra-weak light sources
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment [North-Holland], Volume: 571 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 350-354
SPAD arrays and micro-optics: towards a real single photon spectrometer
Journal of Modern Optics [Taylor & Francis Group], Volume: 54 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 199-212
The new generation of SPAD--Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes arrays
Il nuovo cimento C [Societa italiana di fisica], Volume: 30 Issue: 5 Pages: 535-542
A single photon avalanche detector (SPAD)[6593-90]
PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING [International Society for Optical Engineering; 1999], Volume: 6593 Pages: 6593
Simulation of Switching Behavior in a Ferroelectic Liquid Crytal
J. Appl. Phys [], Volume: 102 Pages: 013516
Nano-Patterning of GST Thin Films by Self-Assembled Di-Block Copolymers Lithography
MATERIALS RESEARCH SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS [Warrendale, Pa.; Materials Research Society; 1999], Volume: 997 Pages: 323
Spectral analysis of photo-induced delayed luminescence from human skin in vivo [6633-55]
PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING [International Society for Optical Engineering; 1999], Volume: 6633 Pages: 6633
MUSES: MUlti SEnsors Sphere [6633-61]
PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING [International Society for Optical Engineering; 1999], Volume: 6633 Pages: 6633
A new generation of low-voltage single-photon micro-sensors with timing capability
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment [North-Holland], Volume: 567 Issue: 1 Pages: 83-88
Arrays of Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters [IEEE], Volume: 18 Issue: 15 Pages: 1633-1635
SINPHOS-SINgle PHOton Spectrometer for biomedical application
Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements [North-Holland], Volume: 150 Pages: 317-320
Test of scintillator readout with single photon avalanche photodiodes
IEEE transactions on nuclear science [IEEE], Volume: 52 Issue: 6 Pages: 3040-3046
PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING [International Society for Optical Engineering; 1999], Volume: 5862 Pages: 58620W
A single photon spectrometer for biomedical applications [5864-32]
PROCEEDINGS-SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING [International Society for Optical Engineering; 1999], Volume: 5864 Pages: 58640P
A single photon spectrometer for biomedical applications
INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Activity report [], Pages: 222-225
Advanced strategies for high activation in ion implanted 4H-SiC by laser annealing
2024 25th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE) [IEEE], Pages: 1-5
2022 AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT) [IEEE], Pages: 1-5
Effects of solar spectrum and albedo on the performance of bifacial Si heterojunction mini-modules
2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC) [IEEE], Pages: 0567-0569
Graphite Assisted P and Al Implanted 4H-SiC Laser Annealing
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 1062 Pages: 204-208
Electrical Properties of Defects in 4H-SiC Investigated by Photo-Induced-Currents Measurements
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 858 Pages: 380-383
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 821 Pages: 773-776
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 821 Pages: 257-260
3C-SiC Polycrystalline Films on Si for Photovoltaic Applications
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 821 Pages: 189-192
Effects of the Growth Rate on the Quality of 4H Silicon Carbide Films for MOSFET Applications
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 778 Pages: 95-98
Microscopic model for the kinetics of the reset process in HfO 2 RRAM
2013 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Application (VLSI-TSA) [IEEE], Pages: 1-2
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 740 Pages: 229-234
3C-SiC growth on (001) Si substrates by using a multilayer buffer
Materials Science Forum [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 740 Pages: 263-266
SPID: single photon imaging device
High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy III [SPIE], Volume: 7021 Pages: 688-698
A new generation of SPAD: single photon avalanche diodes
Third European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors [SPIE], Volume: 6619 Pages: 580-583
European Conference on Biomedical Optics [Optica Publishing Group], Pages: 6633_61
Single photon spectrometer for biomedical application: new developments
European Conference on Biomedical Optics [Optica Publishing Group], Pages: 6628_51
A single photon avalanche detector: SPAD
Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications II [SPIE], Volume: 6593 Pages: 615-619
A single photon spectrometer for biomedical application
European Conference on Biomedical Optics [Optica Publishing Group], Pages: WG5
Measuring Techniques for the Semiconductor’s Parameters
Springer Handbook of Semiconductor Devices [Springer, Cham], Pages: 117-168
First results from heavy-ion beams irradiation facility at LNS-INFN
XCVI Congresso Nazionale SIF-Società Italiana di Fisica [SIF], Pages: ---
Amorphous-to-fcc Transition in GeSbTe Alloys
Materials for Information Technology [Springer, London], Pages: 189-196
XCI Congresso Nazionale SIF [], Pages: 186-186
High precision resistor and trimming method thereof
US9429967 [],
High-precision resistor and trimming method thereof
US8952492 [],