-A A +A
Research Director
+ 39 039 6035938; fax: +39 039 6881175

Development of materials and technologies for RRAM non volatile memories. Memristive devices for neuromorphic systems. Development of MIM high-density capacitors, incorporating high-dielectric constact materials, for power management and analog application. Expertise in material development, device fabriction, DC and pulsed measurements of nanoelectronic devices. Coordination of activities in the framework of Horizon2020 and FP7 European projects, and of industrial research contracts. Supervising of Master and PhD students, and post-docs. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Sabina Spiga is currently Research Director at  CNR-IMM–Unit of Agrate Brianza (Italy), and she is in charge of developing oxide-based resistive switching non-volatile memories and memristive devices for neuromorphic systems and novel computing paradigms.

S. Spiga received the Degree in Physics from the University of Bologna in 1995 and the Ph.D. in Material Science in 2002 from Università di Milano. In 2002-2003 she joined as post-doc fellow the MDM-INFM Laboratory, where she was appointed as tenure track researcher in February 2004. She became permanent staff researcher in 2009 at CNR-IMM (INFM was merged with CNR since 2005), Senior Researcher in 2018 and Research Director in January 2020.

S. Spiga achieved the national habilitation in “Physics of Matter” [sector: 02/B1] as Associate Professor (II Fascia) in 2013 and as Full Professor (I fascia) in 2017; and in “Electronics” [sector 09/E3] as Associate Professor (II Fascia) in 2017. In 2010 she was invited lecturer at the Department of Microelectronic of the Fudan University (Shanghai, China).

S. Spiga is author/co-author of more than 120 publications on peer reviewed journals and proceedings, and 8 book chapters. The results of her research activities have been presented at several international conferences, including several invited talks and invited seminars at Universities and PhD Schools. She has been invited as a member or external reviewer for PhD Committee in Italy and abroad (7 in the period 2013-2021). She achieved 7 grants as Principal Investigator or Coordinator for Research projects and 1 as Management Committee Member of a COST Action. She is currently member of the Scientific Committee of the Chua Memristor Center, Dresden (Germany).

Research expertise. S. Spiga has expertise in the field of micro/nanoelectronic, in-memory and neuromorphic computing,  with respect to material development, device fabrication, electrical testing of nanoelectronic devices. -Her research activity has been/is carried out in the framework of several European (FP6, FP7, Horizon2020), industrial and Italian (MIUR-FIRB, Cariplo) R&D projects. She has/is collaborating with semiconductor company (STMicroelectronics, Micron, IBM), research centers (CEA-LETI, IMEC, INRIM,..) and international research groups including University of Zurich, University of Southampton, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, ...

Her main research achievements in the last 15 years are related to: (i)Developments of materials and devices for in neuromorphic engineering, RRAM and memristive devices for spiking neural networks; (ii) resistive switching effects in transition metal oxides and nanostructures for RRAM; (iii) development and characterization of advanced materials (oxides, nanocrystals) for FLASH and charge-trap based FLASH non-volatile memory; (iv) synthesis and characterization of high-dielectric constant materials as gate dielectric for advanced transistors on Si, Ge and III-V channels; and MIM capacitors.

Researcher unique identifiers:

  1. Scopus Author ID: 6701640312,
  2. Researcher ID: C-3938-2015,
  3. ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7293-7503

Projects. She is currently the CNR Principal Investigator of the EU-Horizon2020-ICT project  MeM-Scales – "Memory technologies with multi-scale time constants for neuromorphic architectures" (2020-2023, grant n. 871371); and of the Eu-Horizon2020-FET-CSA project   NEUROTECHNeuromorphic Technology (2018-2022, grant n. 824103).

She is also involved as key person in the  Horizon2020- ECSEL project R3POWER UP300mm Pilot Line for Smart Power and Power Discretes (2017–2023), and in the Italian  Project (PRIN 2017) COSMO - Analogue Computing with Dynamic Switching Memristor Oscillators: Theory, Devices and Applications (2020-2023)

Past Projects:

(2016-2018) EU-Horizon2020-ICT project NeuRAM3 - “NEUral computing aRchitectures in Advanced Monolithic 3D-VLSI nano-technologies”, grant n. 687299. Principal Investigator

(2013-2018) COST Action ICT 1401 MemoCiS -“Memristors-Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications”. Member of the Italy Management Committee

(2015-2018) EU-Horizon2020- ECSEL project R2POWER300 -Preparing R2 extension to 300mm for BCD Smart Power . Key person

(2013-2016) EU-FP7-FET project RAMP, focusing on the development of memristive devices for synaptic emulation. Key person

(2010-2013) MORE - “Advanced metal-oxide heterostructures for nanoscale ReRAM”In the past, funded by Fondazione Cariplo. Role: Coordinator

(2008-2011) EU-FP7-IP GOSSAMER- Gigascale Oriented Solid State flAsh Memory for EuRope", Principal Investigator

-International projects CNR-IMEC on advanced gate stacks development for III-V semiconductors (2007-2010).




tel. +39 039 6035938

Scientific Productions

Adnan Mehonic, Daniele Ielmini, Kaushik Roy, Onur Mutlu, Shahar Kvatinsky, Teresa Serrano-Gotarredona, Bernabe Linares-Barranco, Sabina Spiga, Sergey Savel’ev, Alexander G Balanov, Nitin Chawla, Giuseppe Desoli, Gerardo Malavena, Christian Monzio Compagnoni, Zhongrui Wang, J Joshua Yang, Syed Ghazi Sarwat, Abu Sebastian, Thomas Mikolajick, Stefan Slesazeck, Beatriz Noheda, Bernard Dieny, Tuo-Hung Alex Hou, Akhil Varri, Frank Brückerhoff-Plückelmann, Wolfram Pernice, Xixiang Zhang, Sebastian Pazos, Mario Lanza, Stefan Wiefels, Regina Dittmann, Wing H Ng, Mark Buckwell, Horatio RJ Cox, Daniel J Mannion, Anthony J Kenyon, Yingming Lu, Yuchao Yang, Damien Querlioz, Louis Hutin, Elisa Vianello, Sayeed Shafayet Chowdhury, Piergiulio Mannocci, Yimao Cai, Zhong Sun, Giacomo Pedretti, John Paul Strachan, Dmitri Strukov, Manuel Le Gallo, Stefano Ambrogio, Ilia Valov, Rainer Waser

Roadmap to neuromorphic computing with emerging technologies

APL Materials [AIP Publishing], Volume: 12 Issue: 10

Francesco Vaccaro, Aurelio G Mauri, Simona Perotto, Stefano Brivio, Sabina Spiga

Modeling and simulation of electrochemical and surface diffusion effects in filamentary cation-based resistive memory devices

Applied Mathematical Modelling [Elsevier],

Emanuele Gemo, Sabina Spiga, Stefano Brivio

SHIP: a computational framework for simulating and validating novel technologies in hardware spiking neural networks

Frontiers in Neuroscience [Frontiers], Volume: 17 Pages: 1270090

Mrinmoy Dutta, Stefano Brivio, Sabina Spiga

Unraveling the Roles of Switching and Relaxation Times in Volatile Electrochemical Memristors to Mimic Neuromorphic Dynamical Features

Advanced Electronic Materials [], Pages: 2400221

Manuel Escudero, Sabina Spiga, Mauro Di Marco, Mauro Forti, Giacomo Innocenti, Alberto Tesi, Fernando Corinto, Stefano Brivio

Chua’s circuit with tunable nonlinearity based on a nonvolatile memristor: Design and realization

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers [IEEE],

Begoña Abad, Kirstin Alberi, Katherine E Ayers, Sushmee Badhulika, Chunmei Ban, Hélène Béa, Fanny Béron, Julie Cairney, Jane P Chang, Christine Charles, Mariadriana Creatore, Hui Dong, Jia Du, Renate Egan, Karin Everschor-Sitte, Cathy Foley, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Myung-Hwa Jung, Hyunjung Kim, Sarah Kurtz, Jieun Lee, Diana C Leitao, Kristina Lemmer, Amy C Marschilok, Bogdana Mitu, Bonna K Newman, Roisin Owens, Anna-Maria Pappa, Youngah Park, Michelle Peckham, Liane M Rossi, Sang-Hee Shim, Saima Afroz Siddiqui, Ji-Won Son, Sabina Spiga, Sedina Tsikata, Elisa Vianello, Karen Wilson, Hiromi Yuasa, Ilaria Zardo, Iryna Zenyuk, Yanfeng Zhang, Yudi Zhao

The 2022 applied physics by pioneering women: a roadmap

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 56 Issue: 7 Pages: 073001

Francesco Caruso, Paolo La Torraca, Luca Larcher, Graziella Tallarida, Sabina Spiga

The electrons' journey in thick metal oxides

Applied Physics Letters [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 121 Issue: 1 Pages: 012902

Francesco Vaccaro, Stefano Brivio, Simona Perotto, Aurelio Giancarlo Mauri, Sabina Spiga

Physics-based compact modelling of the analog dynamics of HfOx resistive memories

Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering [IOP Publishing],

Tao Wang, Stefano Brivio, Elena Cianci, Claudia Wiemer, Michele Perego, Sabina Spiga, Mario Lanza

Improving HfO2-Based Resistive Switching Devices by Inserting a TaOx Thin Film via Engineered In Situ Oxidation

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces [American Chemical Society],

P La Torraca, F Caruso, A Padovani, G Tallarida, S Spiga, L Larcher

Atomic Defects Profiling and Reliability of Amorphous Al₂O₃ Metal-Insulator-Metal Stacks

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [IEEE],

Filippo Moro, E Esmanhotto, T Hirtzlin, N Castellani, A Trabelsi, T Dalgaty, G Molas, F Andrieu, S Brivio, S Spiga, G Indiveri, M Payvand, E Vianello

Hardware calibrated learning to compensate heterogeneity in analog RRAM-based Spiking Neural Networks

arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.05094 [],

Dennis V Christensen, Regina Dittmann, Bernabé Linares-Barranco, Abu Sebastian, Manuel Le Gallo, Andrea Redaelli, Stefan Slesazeck, Thomas Mikolajick, Sabina Spiga, Stephan Menzel, Ilia Valov, Gianluca Milano, Carlo Ricciardi, Shi-Jun Liang, Feng Miao, Mario Lanza, Tyler J Quill, Scott T Keene, Alberto Salleo, Julie Grollier, Danijela Marković, Alice Mizrahi, Peng Yao, J Joshua Yang, Giacomo Indiveri, John Paul Strachan, Suman Datta, Elisa Vianello, Alexandre Valentian, Johannes Feldmann, Xuan Li, Wolfram HP Pernice, Harish Bhaskaran, Emre Neftci, Srikanth Ramaswamy, Jonathan Tapson, Franz Scherr, Wolfgang Maass, Priyadarshini Panda, Youngeun Kim, Gouhei Tanaka, Simon Thorpe, Chiara Bartolozzi, Thomas A Cleland, Christoph Posch, Shih-Chii Liu, Arnab Neelim Mazumder, Morteza Hosseini, Tinoosh Mohsenin, Elisa Donati, Silvia Tolu, Roberto Galeazzi, Martin Ejsing Christensen, Sune Holm, Daniele Ielmini, N Pryds

2021 Roadmap on Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering

arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.05956 [],

Stefano Brivio, Denys RB Ly, Elisa Vianello, Sabina Spiga

Nonlinear Memristive Synaptic Dynamics for Efficient Unsupervised Learning in Spiking Neural Networks

Frontiers in neuroscience [Frontiers], Volume: 15 Pages: 27

P La Torraca, F Caruso, A Padovani, S Spiga, G Tallarida, L Larcher

Extraction of Defects Properties in Dielectric Materials From IV Curve Hysteresis

IEEE Electron Device Letters [IEEE], Volume: 42 Issue: 2 Pages: 220-223

Damien Bipin Rajendran Querlioz, Sabina Spiga, Abu Sebastian

Memristive devices for deep learning applications

Memristive Devices for Brain-Inspired Computing: From Materials, Devices, and Circuits to Applications-Computational Memory, Deep Learning, and Spiking Neural Networks [Woodhead Publishing], Pages: 313

Sabina Bipin Rajendran Spiga, Abu Sebastian, Damien Querlioz

Role of resistive memory devices in brain-inspired computing

Memristive Devices for Brain-Inspired Computing: From Materials, Devices, and Circuits to Applications-Computational Memory, Deep Learning, and Spiking Neural Networks [Woodhead Publishing], Pages: 1

Giacomo Indiveri, Bernabé Linares-Barranco, Melika Payvand, Sabina Spiga, Abu Sebastian, Damien Querlioz, Bipin Rajendran

System-level integration in neuromorphic co-processors

Memristive Devices for Brain-Inspired Computing: From Materials, Devices, and Circuits to Applications-Computational Memory, Deep Learning, and Spiking Neural Networks [Woodhead Publishing], Pages: 479

E Donati, M Payvand, G Indiveri, P Debacker, Steve Furber, Yulia Sandamirskaya, Michael Schmuker, Chiara Bartolozzi, Sabina Spiga, Paolo Bortolotti, A Mizrahi

Neuromorphic technology in Europe: Brain-inspired technologies are advancing apace across Europe and are poised to help accelerate the AI revolution

The Innovation Platform [],

Stefano Brivio, Jacopo Frascaroli, Erika Covi, Sabina Spiga

Stimulated Ionic Telegraph Noise in Filamentary Memristive Devices

Scientific reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-9

Isabella Rossetto, Rossella Piagge, Fabrizio Toia, Sabina Spiga, Alessio Lamperti, Silvia Vangelista, Riina Ritasalo, Päivi Järvinen, Gabriella Ghidini

Impact of annealing on the current conduction and trap properties of CeO2/La2O3 metal-insulator-metal capacitors

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena [American Vacuum Society], Volume: 37 Issue: 2 Pages: 021205

Stefano Brivio, Daniele Conti, Manu V Nair, Jacopo Frascaroli, Erika Covi, Carlo Ricciardi, Giacomo Indiveri, Sabina Spiga

Extended memory lifetime in spiking neural networks employing memristive synapses with nonlinear conductance dynamics

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 30 Issue: 1 Pages: 015102

Sabina Spiga, Francesco Driussi, Gabriele Congedo, Claudia Wiemer, Alessio Lamperti, Elena Cianci

Sub-1-nm equivalent oxide thickness Al-HfO2 trapping layer with excellent thermal stability and retention for non-volatile memory

ACS Applied Nano Materials [American Chemical Society], Volume: 1 Issue: 9 Pages: 4633-4641

Erika Covi, Richard George, Jacopo Frascaroli, Stefano Brivio, C Mayr, Hesham Mostafa, Giacomo Indiveri, Sabina Spiga

Spike-driven threshold-based learning with memristive synapses and neuromorphic silicon neurons

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 51 Issue: 34 Pages: 344003

Jacopo Frascaroli, Stefano Brivio, Erika Covi, Sabina Spiga

Evidence of soft bound behaviour in analogue memristive devices for neuromorphic computing

Scientific reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-12

Hong-Yu Chen, Stefano Brivio, Che-Chia Chang, Jacopo Frascaroli, Tuo-Hung Hou, Boris Hudec, Ming Liu, Hangbing Lv, Gabriel Molas, Joon Sohn, Sabina Spiga, V Mani Teja, Elisa Vianello, H-S Philip Wong

Resistive random access memory (RRAM) technology: From material, device, selector, 3D integration to bottom-up fabrication

Journal of Electroceramics [Springer US], Volume: 39 Issue: 1-4 Pages: 21-38

S Brivio, S Spiga

Stochastic circuit breaker network model for bipolar resistance switching memories

Journal of Computational Electronics [Springer US], Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Pages: 1154-1166

Stefano Brivio, Jacopo Frascaroli, Sabina Spiga

Role of Al doping in the filament disruption in HfO 2 resistance switches.

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 28 Issue: 39 Pages: 395202

Erika Covi, Stefano Brivio, Jacopo Frascaroli, Marco Fanciulli, Sabina Spiga

Analog HfO2-RRAM Switches for Neural Networks

ECS Transactions [IOP Publishing], Volume: 75 Issue: 32 Pages: 85

Erika Covi, Stefano Brivio, Jacopo Frascaroli, Marco Fanciulli, Sabina Spiga

(Invited) Analog HfO2-RRAM Switches for Neural Networks

ECS Transactions [The Electrochemical Society], Volume: 75 Issue: 32 Pages: 85-94

Jacopo Frascaroli, Elena Cianci, Sabina Spiga, Gabriele Seguini, Michele Perego

Ozone-Based Sequential Infiltration Synthesis of Al2O3 Nanostructures in Symmetric Block Copolymer

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 8 Issue: 49 Pages: 33933-33942

Erika Covi, Stefano Brivio, Alexander Serb, Themis Prodromakis, Marco Fanciulli, Sabina Spiga

Analog memristive synapse in spiking networks implementing unsupervised learning

Frontiers in neuroscience [Frontiers], Volume: 10 Pages: 482

S Brivio, E Covi, A Serb, T Prodromakis, M Fanciulli, S Spiga

Experimental study of gradual/abrupt dynamics of HfO2-based memristive devices

Applied Physics Letters [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 109 Issue: 13 Pages: 133504

Sabina Spiga, Brivio Stefano, Erika Covi, Marco Fanciulli, Alexander Serb, Themis Prodromakis, Hesham Mostafa, Giacomo Indiveri

(Invited) Analog Hfox-Rram Switches for Neural Networks

Meeting Abstracts [The Electrochemical Society], Issue: 16 Pages: 1473-1473

Sabina Spiga, Brivio Stefano, Erika Covi, Marco Fanciulli, Alexander Serb, Themis Prodromakis, Hesham Mostafa, Giacomo Indiveri

Analog Hfox-Rram Switches for Neural Networks

ECS Meeting Abstracts [IOP Publishing], Issue: 16 Pages: 1473

Sabina Spiga, Brivio Stefano, Erika Covi, Marco Fanciulli, Alexander Serb, Themis Prodromakis, Hesham Mostafa, Giacomo Indiveri

Analog Hfox-Rram Switches for Neural Networks

ECS Meeting Abstracts [IOP Publishing], Issue: 16 Pages: 1473

Ludovic Goux, Sabina Spiga

Unipolar Resistive‐Switching Mechanisms

Resistive Switching: From Fundamentals of Nanoionic Redox Processes to Memristive Device Applications [Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA], Pages: 363-394

Sabina Spiga, Takeshi Yanagida, Tomoji Kawai

Bottom‐Up Approaches for Resistive Switching Memories

Resistive Switching: From Fundamentals of Nanoionic Redox Processes to Memristive Device Applications [Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA], Pages: 661-694

SV Tenneti, PP Vaidyanathan, H Sadreazami, MO Ahmad, MNS Swamy, E Covi, S Brivio, M Fanciulli, S Spiga, A Serb, T Prodromakis, PE Gaillardon, M Hasan, A Saha, R Walker, BS Rodriguez, L Amaru, G Zong, Z Ai, WX Zheng, J Lu, MKI Molla, M Qaosar, K Hirose, L Zeng, D Zhang, Y Zhang, F Gong, T Gao, S Tu, H Yu, W Zhao, BJ Maundy, A Elwakil, T Freeborn, A Allagui, T Ibrayev, AP James, C Merkel, D Kudithipudi, AH Shaltout, S Gregori, N Lupo, F Maloberti, C Calligaro, R Gastaldi, C Wenger, A Velasquez, SK Jha, D Jiang, C Eder, M Schormans, F Liu, V Valente, A Demosthenous, TA Perkins, N Donaldson, A Vanhoestenberghe, M Liu, G Zhai, K Gu, W Lin, J Zhou, Y Zhu, A Chattopadhyay, A Baksi, M Stoppa, PM Ros, M Crepaldi, A Chiolerio, D Demarche, N Moser, Y Hu, P Georgiou, CL Leong, M Boutelle


Ultrasound [], Volume: 21 Pages: 24

E Covi, S Brivio, M Fanciulli, S Spiga

Synaptic potentiation and depression in Al: HfO 2-based memristor

Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 147 Pages: 41-44

Jacopo Frascaroli, Flavio Giovanni Volpe, Stefano Brivio, Sabina Spiga

Effect of Al doping on the retention behavior of HfO 2 resistive switching memories

Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 147 Pages: 104-107

S Brivio, J Frascaroli, S Spiga

Role of metal-oxide interfaces in the multiple resistance switching regimes of Pt/HfO2/TiN devices

Applied Physics Letters [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 107 Issue: 2 Pages: 023504

Jacopo Frascaroli, Gabriele Seguini, Sabina Spiga, Michele Perego, Luca Boarino

Fabrication of periodic arrays of metallic nanoparticles by block copolymer templates on HfO2 substrates

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 26 Issue: 21 Pages: 215301

Jacopo Frascaroli, Stefano Brivio, Federico Ferrarese Lupi, Gabriele Seguini, Luca Boarino, Michele Perego, Sabina Spiga

Resistive switching in high-density nanodevices fabricated by block copolymer self-assembly

ACS nano [American Chemical Society], Volume: 9 Issue: 3 Pages: 2518-2529

G Seguini, J Llamoja Curi, S Spiga, G Tallarida, C Wiemer, M Perego

Solid-state dewetting of ultra-thin Au films on SiO {sub 2} and HfO {sub 2}

Nanotechnology [], Volume: 25

G Seguini, J Llamoja Curi, S Spiga, G Tallarida, C Wiemer, M Perego

Solid-state dewetting of ultra-thin Au films on SiO2 and HfO2

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 25 Issue: 49 Pages: 495603

S Brivio, G Tallarida, E Cianci, S Spiga

Formation and disruption of conductive filaments in a HfO2/TiN structure

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 25 Issue: 38 Pages: 385705

S Brivio, G Tallarida, E Cianci, S Spiga

Formation and disruption of conductive filaments in a Hf [O. sub. 2]/TiN structure

Nanotechnology [], Volume: 25 Issue: 38

S Brivio, G Tallarida, E Cianci, S Spiga

Formation and disruption of conductive filaments in a HfO {sub 2}/TiN structure

Nanotechnology (Print) [], Volume: 25

A Lamperti, A Molle, E Cianci, C Wiemer, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Effect on Al: MO2/In0. 53Ga0. 47As interface (M= Hf, Zr) of trimethyl-aluminum pre-treatment during atomic layer deposition

Thin solid films [Elsevier], Volume: 563 Pages: 44-49

Alessio Lamperti, Alessandro Molle, Elena Cianci, Claudia Wiemer, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Effect on Al: MO 2/In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As interface (M= Hf, Zr) of trimethyl-aluminum pre-treatment during atomic layer deposition

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier], Volume: 563 Pages: 44-49

Francesco Driussi, Sabina Spiga, Alessio Lamperti, Gabriele Congedo, Alberto Gambi

Simulation Study of the Trapping Properties of ${\ rm HfO} _ {2} $-Based Charge-Trap Memory Cells

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [IEEE], Volume: 61 Issue: 6 Pages: 2056-2063

Elena Cianci, Alessandro Molle, Alessio Lamperti, Claudia Wiemer, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli

Phase Stabilization of Al: HfO2 Grown on In x Ga1–x As Substrates (x= 0, 0.15, 0.53) via Trimethylaluminum-Based Atomic Layer Deposition

ACS applied materials & interfaces [American Chemical Society], Volume: 6 Issue: 5 Pages: 3455-3461

S Vangelista, R Mantovan, A Lamperti, G Tallarida, B Kutrzeba-Kotowska, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Low-temperature atomic layer deposition of MgO thin films on Si

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 46 Issue: 48 Pages: 485304

S Brivio, Daniele Perego, G Tallarida, Massimiliano Bestetti, Silvia Franz, S Spiga

Bipolar resistive switching of Au/NiOx/Ni/Au heterostructure nanowires

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 103 Issue: 15 Pages: 153506

A Molle, E Cianci, A Lamperti, C Wiemer, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

A Viable Route to Enhance Permittivity of Gate Dielectrics on In0. 53Ga0. 47As (001): Trimethylaluminum-Based Atomic Layer Deposition of MeO2 (Me= Zr, Hf)

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 2 Issue: 9 Pages: P395

Gabriele Congedo, Claudia Wiemer, Alessio Lamperti, Elena Cianci, Alessandro Molle, Flavio G Volpe, Sabina Spiga

Atomic layer-deposited Al–HfO 2/SiO 2 bi-layers towards 3D charge trapping non-volatile memory

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier], Volume: 533 Pages: 9-14

Sabina Spiga, Christophe Muller, Russell Cowburn, Heike Riel, Jan Siegel, Laboratorio MDM CNR-IMM

Preface to E-MRS 2012 Symposium L: Novel Functional Materials and Nanostructures for innovative non-volatile memory devices

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier Science], Volume: 533 Pages: V-V

Alessandro Molle, Elena Cianci, Alessio Lamperti, Claudia Wiemer, Silvia Baldovino, Luca Lamagna, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli, Guy Brammertz, Clement Merckling, Matty Caymax

Trimethylaluminum-based Atomic Layer Deposition of MO2 (M= Zr, Hf): Gate Dielectrics on In0. 53Ga0. 47As (001) Substrates

ECS Transactions [IOP Publishing], Volume: 50 Issue: 13 Pages: 11

Daniele Perego, Silvia Franz, Massimiliano Bestetti, Laura Cattaneo, Stefano Brivio, Grazia Tallarida, Sabina Spiga

Engineered fabrication of ordered arrays of Au–NiO–Au nanowires

Nanotechnology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 24 Issue: 4 Pages: 045302

A Lamperti, E Cianci, O Salicio, L Lamagna, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Thermal stability of high‐κ oxides on SiO2/Si or SixNy/SiO2/Si for charge‐trapping nonvolatile memories

Surface and interface analysis [], Volume: 45 Issue: 1 Pages: 390-393

Gabriele Congedo, Alessio Lamperti, Olivier Salicio, Sabina Spiga

Multi-Layered Al2O3/HfO2/SiO2/Si3N4/SiO2 Thin Dielectrics for Charge Trap Memory Applications

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology [The Electrochemical Society], Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Pages: N1-N5

Sonu Namdeo, AK Sinha, MN Singh, AM Awasthi

Additional information on J. Appl. Phys.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [], Volume: 113 Pages: 104101

S Brivio, G Tallarida, Daniele Perego, Silvia Franz, D Deleruyelle, C Muller, S Spiga

Low-power resistive switching in Au/NiO/Au nanowire arrays

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 101 Issue: 22 Pages: 223510

Gabriele Congedo, Alessio Lamperti, Olivier Salicio, Sabina Spiga

Multi-Layered Al2O3/HfO2/SiO2/Si3N4/SiO2 Thin Dielectrics for Charge Trap Memory Applications

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Pages: N1

Federico Nardi, D Deleruyelle, S Spiga, C Muller, B Bouteille, Daniele Ielmini

Switching of nanosized filaments in NiO by conductive atomic force microscopy

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 112 Issue: 6 Pages: 064310

Carlo Grazianetti, Alessandro Molle, Grazia Tallarida, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli

Effect of Electric Dipoles on Fermi Level Positioning at the Interface between Ultrathin Al2O3 Films and Differently Reconstructed In0. 53Ga0. 47As (001) Surfaces

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C [American Chemical Society], Volume: 116 Issue: 35 Pages: 18746-18751

E Cianci, A Lamperti, G Congedo, S Spiga

Structural and electrical properties of terbium scandate films deposited by atomic layer deposition and high temperature annealing effects

ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology [IOP Publishing], Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Pages: P5

S Spiga, R Rao, L Lamagna, C Wiemer, G Congedo, A Lamperti, A Molle, M Fanciulli, F Palma, F Irrera

Structural and electrical properties of atomic layer deposited Al-doped ZrO2 films and of the interface with TaN electrode

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 112 Issue: 1 Pages: 014107

R Dittmann, R Muenstermann, I Krug, D Park, F Kronast, A Besmehn, J Mayer, CM Schneider, Rainer Waser, Malgorzata Sowinska, Thomas Bertaud, Damian Walczyk, Sebastian Thiess, Christian Walczyk, Thomas Schroeder, Christian Lenser, Alexei Kuzmin, Aleksandr Kalinko, Juris Purans, Regina Dittmann, C Moreno, J Zabaleta, A Palau, J Gázquez, N Mestres, T Puig, C Ocal, X Obradors, Pablo Levy, N Ghenzi1, MJ Sanchez, MJ Rozenberg, P Stoliar, FG Marlasca, D Rubi, Sabina Spiga, Stefano Brivio, Grazia Tallarida, Daniele Perego, Silvia Franz, Damien Deleruyelle, Christophe Muller, Eilam Yalon, Shimon Cohen, Arkadi Gavrilov, Boris Meyler, Joseph Salzman, Dan Ritter

Nanosession: Valence Change Memories‐A Look Inside

Frontiers in Electronic Materials: A Collection of Extended Abstracts of the Nature Conference Frontiers in Electronic Materials, June 17th to 20th 2012, Aachen, Germany [Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA], Pages: 233-245

Alessandro Molle, Elena Cianci, Alessio Lamperti, Claudia Wiemer, Silvia Baldovino, Luca Lamagna, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli, Guy Brammertz, Clement Merckling, Matty Caymax

Trimethylaluminum-Based Atomic Layer Deposition of Al: MO2 (M= Zr, Hf): A Viable Route to Integrate High-Permittivity Oxides on In0. 53Ga0. 47As Substrates

ECS Meeting Abstracts [IOP Publishing], Issue: 28 Pages: 2457

Daniele Perego, Silvia Franz, Massimiliano Bestetti, Stefano Brivio, Grazia Tallarida, Sabina Spiga

Electrodeposition of Arrays of Au/NiO/Au Nanowire Heterostructures for ReRAM Applications

ECS Meeting Abstracts [IOP Publishing], Issue: 45 Pages: 3294

Luca Lamagna, Claudia Wiemer, Michele Perego, Sabina Spiga, Jesus Rodriguez, David Santiago Coll, Maria Elena Grillo, Sylwia Klejna, Simon D Elliott

Mechanisms for substrate-enhanced growth during the early stages of atomic layer deposition of alumina onto silicon nitride surfaces

Chemistry of Materials [American Chemical Society], Volume: 24 Issue: 6 Pages: 1080-1090

Sabina Spiga, Francesco Driussi, Alessio Lamperti, Gabriele Congedo, Olivier Salicio

Effects of thermal treatments on the trapping properties of HfO2 films for charge trap memories

Applied Physics Express [IOP Publishing], Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Pages: 021102

F Nardi, D Deleruyelle, S Spiga, C Muller, B Bouteille

Additional information on J. Appl. Phys.

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [], Volume: 112 Pages: 064310

Gaoxue Wang, Eugene J O’Sullivan, Philipp Herget, Bipin Rajendran, Leslie E Krupp

Additional information on J. Appl. Phys.

Journal of Applied Physics [], Volume: 111 Pages: 07E732

L Lamagna, A Molle, C Wiemer, S Spiga, C Grazianetti, G Congedo, M Fanciulli

Atomic Layer Deposition of Al-Doped ZrO2 Thin Films as Gate Dielectric for In0. 53Ga0. 47As

Journal of The Electrochemical Society [The Electrochemical Society], Volume: 159 Issue: 3 Pages: H220-H224

EV Anda, G Chiappe, E Louis

Additional information on J. Appl. Phys.

Journal of Applied Physics [], Volume: 111 Pages: 033711

L Lamagna, A Molle, C Wiemer, S Spiga, C Grazianetti, G Congedo, M Fanciulli

Atomic layer deposition of Al-doped ZrO2 thin films as gate dielectric for In0. 53Ga0. 47As

Journal of The Electrochemical Society [IOP Publishing], Volume: 159 Issue: 3 Pages: H220

A Molle, L Lamagna, C Grazianetti, G Brammertz, C Merckling, M Caymax, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Reconstruction dependent reactivity of As-decapped In0. 53Ga0. 47As (001) surfaces and its influence on the electrical quality of the interface with Al2O3 grown by atomic layer deposition

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 99 Issue: 19 Pages: 193505

A Molle, L Lamagna, C Grazianetti, G Brammertz, C Merckling, M Caymax, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Reconstruction dependent reactivity of As-decapped In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As (001) surfaces and its influence on the electrical quality of the interface with …

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 99 Issue: 19

Alessandro Molle, Silvia Baldovino, Luca Lamagna, Sabina Spiga, Alessio Lamperti, Marco Fanciulli, Dimitra Tsoutsou, Evangelos Golias, Athanasios Dimoulas, Guy Brammertz, Clement Merckling, Matty Caymax

Active Trap Determination at the Interface of Ge and In0. 53Ga0. 47 as Substrates with Dielectric Layers

ECS Transactions [IOP Publishing], Volume: 41 Issue: 3 Pages: 203

Alessandro Molle, Silvia Baldovino, Luca Lamagna, Sabina Spiga, Alessio Lamperti, Marco Fanciulli, Dimitra Tsoutsou, Evangelos Golias, Athanasios Dimoulas, Guy Brammertz, Clement Merckling, Matty Caymax

(Invited) Active Trap Determination at the Interface of Ge and In0. 53Ga0. 47 as Substrates with Dielectric Layers

ECS Transactions [The Electrochemical Society], Volume: 41 Issue: 3 Pages: 203-221

Alessandro Molle, Luca Lamagna, Claudia Wiemer, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli, Clement Merckling, Guy Brammertz, Matty Caymax

Improved Performance of In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As-Based Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitors with Al: ZrO 2 Gate Dielectric Grown by Atomic …

Applied Physics Express [IOP Publishing], Volume: 4 Issue: 9

Alessandro Molle, Luca Lamagna, Claudia Wiemer, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli, Clement Merckling, Guy Brammertz, Matty Caymax

Improved Performance of In0. 53Ga0. 47As-Based Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Capacitors with Al: ZrO2 Gate Dielectric Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition

Applied physics express [IOP Publishing], Volume: 4 Issue: 9 Pages: 094103

A Lamperti, L Lamagna, G Congedo, S Spiga

Cubic/tetragonal phase stabilization in high-κ ZrO2 thin films grown using O3-based atomic layer deposition

Journal of The Electrochemical Society [IOP Publishing], Volume: 158 Issue: 10 Pages: G221

Daniele Perego, Fahimeh Amiri, Laura Cattaneo, Silvia Franz, Massimiliano Bestetti, Grazia Tallarida, Stefano Brivio, Sabina Spiga

Electrodeposition of Metal-Oxide-Metal Nanowire Heterostructures for ReRAM Applications

ECS Meeting Abstracts [IOP Publishing], Issue: 35 Pages: 2226

Alessandro Molle, Silvia Baldovino, Luca Lamagna, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli, Dimitra Tsoutsou, Evangelos Golias, Athanasios Dimoulas, Guy Brammertz, Clement Merckling, Matty Caymax

Active Trap Determination at the Interface of Ge and InxGa1-xAs Substrates with Dielectric Layers

ECS Meeting Abstracts [IOP Publishing], Issue: 27 Pages: 1899

G Congedo, A Lamperti, L Lamagna, S Spiga

Stack engineering of TANOS charge-trap flash memory cell using high-κ ZrO 2 grown by ALD as charge trapping layer

Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 88 Issue: 7 Pages: 1174-1177

M Fusi, L Lamagna, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, G Brammertz, C Merckling, M Meuris, A Molle

Al 2 O 3 stacks on In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As substrates: In situ investigation of the interface

Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 88 Issue: 4 Pages: 435-439

L Lamagna, M Fusi, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, G Brammertz, C Merckling, M Meuris, A Molle

Effects of surface passivation during atomic layer deposition of Al 2 O 3 on In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As substrates

Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 88 Issue: 4 Pages: 431-434

Luca Lamagna, Alessandro Molle, Claudia Wiemer, Sabina Spiga, Carlo Grazianetti, Marco Fanciulli

Atomic Layer Deposition of Al-Doped ZrO2 Thin Films for Advanced Gate Stack on III-V Substrates

ECS Transactions [IOP Publishing], Volume: 35 Issue: 3 Pages: 431

Federico Nardi, Carlo Cagli, Sabina Spiga, Daniele Ielmini

Reset instability in pulsed-operated unipolar resistive-switching random access memory devices

IEEE electron device letters [IEEE], Volume: 32 Issue: 6 Pages: 719-721

Damien Deleruyelle, Carine Dumas, Marion Carmona, Christophe Muller, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli

Direct observation at nanoscale of resistance switching in NiO layers by conductive-atomic force microscopy

Applied physics express [IOP Publishing], Volume: 4 Issue: 5 Pages: 051101

L Lamagna, M Fusi, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, G Brammertz, C Merckling, M Meuris, A Molle

Effects of surface passivation during atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 on In0. 53Ga0. 47As substrates

Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 88 Issue: 4 Pages: 431-434

M Fusi, L Lamagna, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, G Brammertz, C Merckling, M Meuris, A Molle

Al2O3 stacks on In0. 53Ga0. 47As substrates: In situ investigation of the interface

Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 88 Issue: 4 Pages: 435-439

M Fusi, L Lamagna, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, G Brammertz, C Merckling, M Meuris, A Molle

Al sub (2) O sub (3) stacks on In sub (0. 53) Ga sub (0. 47) As substrates: In situ investigation of the interface

Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier BV], Volume: 88 Issue: 4 Pages: 435-439

Federico Nardi, Daniele Ielmini, Carlo Cagli, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, L Goux, DJ Wouters

Control of filament size and reduction of reset current below 10μA in NiO resistance switching memories

Solid-State Electronics [Pergamon], Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 42-47

C Dumas, D Deleruyelle, A Demolliens, Ch Muller, S Spiga, E Cianci, M Fanciulli, I Tortorelli, R Bez

Resistive switching characteristics of NiO films deposited on top of W or Cu pillar bottom electrodes

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier], Volume: 519 Issue: 11 Pages: 3798-3803

Daniele Ielmini, S Spiga, Federico Nardi, Carlo Cagli, A Lamperti, E Cianci, M Fanciulli

Scaling analysis of submicrometer nickel-oxide-based resistive switching memory devices

Journal of Applied Physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 109 Issue: 3 Pages: 034506

Ch Muller, D Deleruyelle, R Müller, M Thomas, A Demolliens, Ch Turquat, S Spiga

Resistance change in memory structures integrating CuTCNQ nanowires grown on dedicated HfO 2 switching layer

Solid-State Electronics [Pergamon], Volume: 56 Issue: 1 Pages: 168-174

G Congedo, S Spiga, U Russo, A Lamperti, O Salicio, E Cianci, M Fanciulli

Evaluation of DyScO x as an alternative blocking dielectric in TANOS memories with Si 3 N 4 or Si-rich SiN charge trapping layers

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena [American Vacuum Society], Volume: 29 Issue: 1 Pages: 01AE04

A Lamperti, E Cianci, U Russo, S Spiga, O Salicio, G Congedo, M Fanciulli

Synthesis and characterization of DyScO films deposited on Si and Si-rich SiN by atomic layer deposition for blocking layer replacement in TANOS stack

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena [American Vacuum Society], Volume: 29 Issue: 1 Pages: 01AE03

F Nardi, D Ielmini, C Cagli, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

L. Goux c, DJ Wouters,“Control of filament size and reduction of reset current below 10 lA in NiO resistance switching memories,”

Solid-State Electronics [], Volume: 58 Pages: 42-47

Marco Fanciulli, Clement Merckling, Guy Brammertz, Matty Caymax

Improved Performance of In0. 53Ga0. 47As-Based Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Capacitors with Al: ZrO2 Gate Dielectric Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition

Applied Physics Express [], Volume: 4 Pages: 094103

AV Zenkevich, Yu Yu Lebedinskii, Yu A Matveev, NS Barantsev, Yu A Voronov, AV Sogoyan, VN Nevolin, VI Chichkov, S Spiga, M Fanchulli

Synthesis and investigation of new materials in MIS structures for the development of physical foundations of CMOS technologies of nanoelectronics

Russian Microelectronics [SP MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica], Volume: 39 Issue: 3 Pages: 165-174

C Wiemer, L Lamagna, S Baldovino, M Perego, Sylvie Schamm-Chardon, Pierre-Eugène Coulon, O Salicio, G Congedo, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Dielectric properties of Er− doped HfO 2 (Er∼ 15%) grown by atomic layer deposition for high-κ gate stacks

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 96 Issue: 18 Pages: 182901

Alessandro Molle, Silvia Baldovino, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli

High permittivity materials for oxide gate stack in Ge-based metal oxide semiconductor capacitors

Thin solid films [Elsevier], Volume: 518 Issue: 6 Pages: S96-S103

Alessandro Molle, Luca Lamagna, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli, Guy Brammertz, Marc Meuris

Interface analysis of Ge ultra thin layers intercalated between GaAs substrates and oxide stacks

Thin solid films [Elsevier], Volume: 518 Issue: 6 Pages: S123-S127

Sabina Spiga, Francesco Driussi, Alessio Lamperti, Gabriele CONGEDO, Olivier SALICIO

Proc. ESSDERC, 2010 Proc. ESSDERC, 2010 408, 2010

Proc. ESSDERC [], Volume: 408

Alessandro Molle, Guy Brammertz, Luca Lamagna, Sabina Spiga, Marc Meuris, Marco Fanciulli

Interface quality of atomic layer deposited La-doped ZrO2 films on Ge-passivated In 0.15 Ga 0.85 As substrates

MRS Online Proceedings Library [Springer International Publishing], Volume: 1194 Issue: 1 Pages: 80-88

Sabina Spiga, Alessio Lamperti, Elena Cianci, Flavio G Volpe, Marco Fanciulli

Transition Metal Binary Oxides for ReRAM Applications

ECS Transactions [IOP Publishing], Volume: 25 Issue: 6 Pages: 411

Ugo Russo, Carlo Cagli, Sabina Spiga, Elena Cianci, Daniele Ielmini

Impact of electrode materials on resistive-switching memory programming

IEEE electron device letters [IEEE], Volume: 30 Issue: 8 Pages: 817-819

Alessandro Molle, Guy Brammertz, Luca Lamagna, Marco Fanciulli, Marc Meuris, Sabina Spiga

Ge-based interface passivation for atomic layer deposited La-doped ZrO 2 on III-V compound (GaAs, In 0.15 Ga 0.85 As) substrates

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 95 Issue: 2 Pages: 023507

Andrei Zenkevich, Yuri Lebedinskii, Yuri Matveyev, Sabina Spiga, Luca Lamagna, Marco Fanciulli

Effect of heat treatments on electric dipole at metal/high-k dielectric interfaces measured by in situ XPS

Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 86 Issue: 7-9 Pages: 1777-1779

G Congedo, S Spiga, L Lamagna, A Lamperti, Yu Lebedinskii, Yu Matveyev, A Zenkevich, P Chernykh, M Fanciulli

Effect of high-temperature annealing on lanthanum aluminate thin films grown by ALD on Si (100)

Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 86 Issue: 7-9 Pages: 1696-1699

Robert Muller, Christoph Krebs, Ludovic Goux, Dirk J Wouters, Jan Genoe, Paul Heremans, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli

Bipolar resistive electrical switching of CuTCNQ memories incorporating a dedicated switching layer

IEEE electron device letters [IEEE], Volume: 30 Issue: 6 Pages: 620-622

Robert Muller, Nicole Thomas, Christoph Krebs, Ludovic Goux, Dirk Wouters, Jan Genoe, Paul Heremans, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli

Resistive electrical switching of CuTCNQ based memory with a dedicated switching layer

Proceedings of the MRS Spring Meeting Symposium H: Materials and Physics for Nonvolatile Memories [],

A Lamperti, S Spiga, HL Lu, C Wiemer, M Perego, E Cianci, M Alia, M Fanciulli

Study of the interfaces in resistive switching NiO thin films deposited by both ALD and e-beam coupled with different electrodes (Si, Ni, Pt, W, TiN)

Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 85 Issue: 12 Pages: 2425-2429

S Spiga, A Lamperti, C Wiemer, M Perego, E Cianci, G Tallarida, HL Lu, M Alia, FG Volpe, M Fanciulli

Resistance switching in amorphous and crystalline binary oxides grown by electron beam evaporation and atomic layer deposition

Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 85 Issue: 12 Pages: 2414-2419

A Molle, S Spiga, Md NK Bhuiyan, G Tallarida, M Perego, C Wiemer, Marco Fanciulli

Atomic oxygen-assisted molecular beam deposition of Gd 2 O 3 films for ultra-scaled Ge-based electronic devices

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing [Pergamon], Volume: 11 Issue: 5 Pages: 236-240

A Molle, S Spiga, Md NK Bhuiyan, G Tallarida, M Perego, C Wiemer, Marco Fanciulli

Atomic oxygen-assisted molecular beam deposition of Gd2O3 films for ultra-scaled Ge-based electronic devices

Materials science in semiconductor processing [Pergamon], Volume: 11 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 236-240

Alessandro Molle, Sabina Spiga, Andrea Andreozzi, Marco Fanciulli, Guy Brammertz, Marc Meuris

Structure and interface bonding of Ge O 2∕ Ge∕ In 0.15 Ga 0.85 As heterostructures

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 93 Issue: 13 Pages: 133504

HL Lu, G Scarel, C Wiemer, M Perego, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, G Pavia

Atomic layer deposition of NiO films on Si (100) using cyclopentadienyl-type compounds and ozone as precursors

Journal of The Electrochemical Society [IOP Publishing], Volume: 155 Issue: 10 Pages: H807

G Seguini, M Perego, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, A Dimoulas

Conduction band offset of Hf O 2 on GaAs

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 91 Issue: 19 Pages: 192902

S Baldovino, S Spiga, G Scarel, M Fanciulli

Effects of the oxygen precursor on the interface between (100) Si and Hf O 2 films grown by atomic layer deposition

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 91 Issue: 17 Pages: 172905

Italy G. Scarel,a A. Debernardi, D. Tsoutsou, S. Spiga, S. C. Capelli, L. Lamagna, S. N. Volkos, M. Alia, and M. Fanciulli MDM National Laboratory, CNR-INFM, Agrate Brianza, Milan 20041

Vibrational and electrical properties of hexagonal La 2 O 3 films

APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 91 Issue: 102901

A Zenkevich, Yu Lebedinskii, S Spiga, C Wiemer, G Scarel, M Fanciulli

Effects of thermal treatments on chemical composition and electrical properties of ultra-thin Lu oxide layers on Si

Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 84 Issue: 9-10 Pages: 2263-2266


高誘電率ゲート絶縁膜の信頼性 (先端 LSI 技術と信頼性)

日本信頼性学会誌 信頼性 [日本信頼性学会], Volume: 29 Issue: 4 Pages: 198-205

A Dimoulas, DP Brunco, S Ferrari, Jin Won Seo, Y Panayiotatos, A Sotiropoulos, T Conard, M Caymax, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, Ch Dieker, EK Evangelou, S Galata, Michel Houssa, MM Heyns

Interface engineering for Ge metal-oxide–semiconductor devices

Thin Solid Films [Elsevier], Volume: 515 Issue: 16 Pages: 6337-6343

U Russo, D Ielmini, C Cagli, AL Lacaita, S Spiga, C Wiemer, M Perego, M Fanciulli

IEDM Tech. Dig.

IEEE international electron devices meeting (Washington DC: IEEE International) pp [], Pages: 775-778

U Russo, D Ielmini, C Cagli, AL Lacaita, S Spiga, C Wiemer, M Perego, M Fanciulli

Electron Devices Meeting, 2007. IEDM 2007

IEEE International [],

A Dimoulas, DP Brunco, S Ferrari, JW Seo, Y Panayiotatos, A Sotiropoulos, T Conard, M Caymax, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Ch. Dieker, EK Evangelou, S. Galata, M. Houssa, and MM Heyns

Thin Solid Films [], Volume: 515 Pages: 6337

Matty Caymax, Sven Van Elshocht, Michel Houssa, Annelies Delabie, Thierry Conard, Marc Meuris, MM Heyns, A Dimoulas, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, Jin Won Seo, LV Goncharova

HfO 2 as gate dielectric on Ge: Interfaces and deposition techniques

Materials Science and Engineering: B [Elsevier], Volume: 135 Issue: 3 Pages: 256-260

G Scarel, C Wiemer, G Tallarida, S Spiga, G Seguini, E Bonera, M Fanciulli, Y Lebedinskii, A Zenkevich, G Pavia, IL Fedushkin, GK Fukin, GA Domrachev

Atomic layer deposition of Lu silicate films using [(Me3Si) 2N] 3Lu

Journal of The Electrochemical Society [IOP Publishing], Volume: 153 Issue: 11 Pages: F271

Christian Monzio Compagnoni, Alessandro S Spinelli, Andrea Bianchini, Andrea L Lacaita, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli

Characterization of transient currents in HfO 2 capacitors in the short timescale

Microelectronic engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 83 Issue: 10 Pages: 1927-1930

S Ferrari, S Spiga, C Wiemer, M Fanciulli, A Dimoulas

Germanium diffusion during Hf O 2 growth on Ge by molecular beam epitaxy

Applied physics letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 89 Issue: 12 Pages: 122906

Christian Monzio Compagnoni, Alessandro S Spinelli, Andrea Bianchini, Andrea L Lacaita, Sabina Spiga, Giovanna Scarel, Claudia Wiemer, Marco Fanciulli

Temperature dependence of transient and steady-state gate currents in Hf O 2 capacitors

Applied physics letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 89 Issue: 10 Pages: 103504

Mauro Alessandri, Rossella Piagge, Stefano Alberici, Enrico Bellandi, Massimo Caniatti, Gabriella Ghidini, Alberto Modelli, Giuseppe Pavia, Enrica Ravizza, Alessandro Sebastiani, Claudia Wiemer, Sabina Spiga, Marco Fanciulli, Vincenzo Fiorentini, Emiliano Cadelano, Giorgia Maria Lopez

High-k materials in flash memories

ECS Transactions [IOP Publishing], Volume: 1 Issue: 5 Pages: 91

G Seguini, S Spiga, E Bonera, M Fanciulli, A Reyes Huamantinco, CJ Foerst, CR Ashman, PE Bloechl, A Dimoulas, G Mavrou

Band alignment at the La {sub 2} Hf {sub 2} O {sub 7}/(001) Si interface

Applied Physics Letters [], Volume: 88 Issue: 20

G Seguini, S Spiga, E Bonera, M Fanciulli, A Reyes Huamantinco, CJ Först, CR Ashman, PE Blöchl, A Dimoulas, G Mavrou

Band alignment at the La 2 Hf 2 O 7∕(001) Si interface

Applied physics letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 88 Issue: 20 Pages: 202903

Sabina Spiga, Francesco Driussi, Alessio Lamperti, Gabriele Congedo, Olivier Salicio

日本信頼性学会誌: 信頼性= The journal of Reliability Engineering Association of Japan 29 (4), 198-205, 2007-07-01

Appl. Phys. Lett [], Volume: 89 Pages: 082908

S Spiga, C Wiemer, G Tallarida, G Scarel, S Ferrari, G Seguini, M Fanciulli

Effects of the oxygen precursor on the electrical and structural properties of Hf O 2 films grown by atomic layer deposition on Ge

Applied Physics Letters [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 87 Issue: 11 Pages: 112904

S Kremmer, H Wurmbauer, C Teichert, G Tallarida, S Spiga, C Wiemer, M Fanciulli

Nanoscale morphological and electrical homogeneity of HfO 2 and ZrO 2 thin films studied by conducting atomic-force microscopy

Journal of applied physics [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 97 Issue: 7 Pages: 074315

M Malvestuto, R Carboni, F Boscherini, F d’Acapito, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, A Dimoulas, G Vellianitis, G Mavrou

X-ray absorption study of the growth of Y 2 O 3 on Si (001)

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 71 Issue: 7 Pages: 075318

M Malvestuto, R Carboni, F Boscherini, F D'Acapito, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, A Dimoulas, G Vellianitis, G Mavrou

X-ray absorption study of the growth of Y {sub 2} O {sub 3} on Si (001)

Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics [], Volume: 71 Issue: 7

M Malvestuto, R Carboni, F Boscherini, F D'Acapito, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, A Dimoulas, G Vellianitis, G Mavrou

Semiconductors II: Surfaces, interfaces, microstructures, and related topics-X-ray absorption study of the growth of Y2O3 on Si (001)

Physical Review-Section B-Condensed Matter [Woodbury, NY: published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics, c1998-], Volume: 71 Issue: 7 Pages: 75318-75318

Michele Bonnin, Kailing Song, Fernando Corinto, Fabrizio Bonani, Fabio L Traversa, Manuel Escudero Lopez, Stefano Brivio, Sabina Spiga

Noise induced oscillations in a second order circuit with nonvolatile memristor

2023 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF) [IEEE], Pages: 1-4

Manuel Escudero, Sabina Spiga, Mauro Di Marco, Mauro Forti, Giacomo Innocenti, Alberto Tesi, Fernando Corinto, Stefano Brivio

Physical Implementation of a Tunable Memristor-based Chua's Circuit

ESSCIRC 2022-IEEE 48th European Solid State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) [IEEE], Pages: 117-120

MM Al Chawa, R Picos, E Covi, S Brivio, E Garcia-Moreno, S Spiga

Flux-charge characterizing of reset transition in bipolar resistive-switching memristive devices

Proc. 11th Spanish Conf. Electron Devices [],

Erika Covi, Stefano Brivio, Alexantrou Serb, Themistoklis Prodromakis, M Fanciulli, S Spiga

HfO2-based memristors for neuromorphic applications

2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) [IEEE], Pages: 393-396

Dalibor Biolek, Sandro Carrara, Elisabetta Chicca, Fernando Corinto, Julius Georgiou, Bernabé Linares-Barranco, Themis Prodromakis, Sabina Spiga, Ronald Tetzlaff

EU COST action IC1401—Pushing the frontiers of memristive devices to systems

2016 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON) [Ieee], Pages: 1-6

S Brivio, E Covi, A Serb, T Prodromakis, M Fanciulli, S Spiga

Gradual set dynamics in HfO 2-based memristor driven by sub-threshold voltage pulses

2015 International Conference on Memristive Systems (MEMRISYS) [IEEE], Pages: 1-2

Sabina Spiga

Resistive switching in oxides for nonvolatile memories and neuromorphic computing

2015 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference and 2015 IEEE Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference (IITC/MAM) [IEEE], Pages: 213-214

Federico Nardi, Carlo Cagli, D Ielmini, S Spiga

Reset Current Reduction and Set-Reset Instabilities in Unipolar NiO RRAM

2011 3rd IEEE International Memory Workshop (IMW) [IEEE], Pages: 1-4

Sabina Spiga, Gabriele Congedo, Ugo Russo, Alessio Lamperti, Olivier Salicio, Francesco Driussi, Elisa Vianello

Experimental and simulation study of the program efficiency of HfO 2 based charge trapping memories

2010 Proceedings of the European Solid State Device Research Conference [IEEE], Pages: 408-411

F Nardi, D Ielmini, C Cagli, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, L Goux, DJ Wouters

Sub-10 µA reset in NiO-based resistive switching memory (RRAM) cells

2010 IEEE International Memory Workshop [IEEE], Pages: 1-4

Federico Nardi, Daniele Ielmini, Carlo Cagli, S Spiga, M Fanciulli, L Goux, DJ Wouters

Sub-10 microA reset in NiO-based resistive switching memory (RRAM) cells

2010 IEEE International Memory Workshop [], Pages: 66-69

G Tallarida, N Huby, B Kutrzeba-Kotowska, S Spiga, M Arcari, G Csaba, P Lugli, A Redaelli, R Bez

Low temperature rectifying junctions for crossbar non-volatile memory devices

2009 IEEE International Memory Workshop [IEEE], Pages: 1-3

A Demolliens, Ch Muller, D Deleruyelle, S Spiga, E Cianci, M Fanciulli, Federico Nardi, Carlo Cagli, Daniele Ielmini

Reliability of NiO-based resistive switching memory (ReRAM) elements with pillar W bottom electrode

2009 IEEE International Memory Workshop [IEEE], Pages: 1-3

G Tallarida, N Huby, S Spiga, B Kutrzeba-Kotowska, P Lugli, G Csaba, M Arcari, E Guziewcz, M Godlewski, A Redaelli, R Bez

Zn-O based selectors for crosspoint mem devices

NVMTS09-Non-Volatile Memory Technology Symposium [],

Daniele Ielmini, Federico Nardi, A Vigani, E Cianci, S Spiga

Read-disturb limited reliability of multilevel NiO-based resistive-switching memory

IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialist Conference [], Pages: 6.3-1-6.3-2

U Russo, Daniele Ielmini, Carlo Cagli, Andrea Leonardo Lacaita, Silvia Spiga, C Wiemer, M Perego, M Fanciulli

Conductive-filament switching analysis and self-accelerated thermal dissolution model for reset in NiO-based RRAM

2007 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting [IEEE], Pages: 775-778

C Monzio Compagnoni, AS Spinelli, A Bianchini, Andrea Leonardo Lacaita, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Transient currents in HfO2 and their impact on circuit and memory applications

2006 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings [IEEE], Pages: 651-652

Sascha Kremmer, Harald Wurmbauer, Andrei Andreev, Christian Teichert, G Tallarida, S Spiga, C Wiemer, M Fanciulli

Nano-scale characterization of high-k dielectric materials by conducting atomic force microscopy

14th International Winterschool on New Developments in Solid State Physics [],

Elena Cianci, Sabina Spiga

MOx materials by ALD method

Metal Oxides for Non-Volatile Memory [Elsevier], Pages: 169-199

Bipin Rajendran, Damien Querlioz, Sabina Spiga, Abu Sebastian

Memristive devices for spiking neural networks

Memristive Devices for Brain-Inspired Computing [Woodhead Publishing], Pages: 399-405

Abu Sebastian, Damien Querlioz, Bipin Rajendran, Sabina Spiga

Memristive devices as computational memory

Memristive Devices for Brain-Inspired Computing [Woodhead Publishing], Pages: 167-174

S Spiga, C Wiemer, G Scarel, G Seguini, M Fanciulli, A Zenkevich, Yu Lebedinskii

Physical, Chemical, and Electrical Characterization of High-κ Dielectrics on Ge and GaAs

Advanced Gate Stacks for High-Mobility Semiconductors [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 181-209

Sabina Spiga, Claudia Wiemer, Giovanna Scarel, Omar Costa, Marco Fanciulli

Electrical characterization of rare earth oxides grown by atomic layer deposition

Rare Earth Oxide Thin Films [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 203-223

R Mantovan, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Low temperature CEMS of Sn-implanted SiO 2

ICAME 2005 [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 69-73

R Mantovan, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Low temperature CEMS of Sn-implanted SiO2

ICAME 2005 [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 69-73

G Tallarida, S Spiga, M Fanciulli

Scanning Capacitance Force Microscopy and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy of Nanostructures Embedded in SiO2

Scanning Probe Microscopy: Characterization, Nanofabrication and Device Application of Functional Materials [Springer, Dordrecht], Pages: 405-411