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Diego Luis

Scientific Productions

Merced Montesinos, Diego Gonzalez

Trace-free Einstein gravity as a constrained bigravity theory

Physical Review D [American Physical Society], Volume: 110 Issue: 6 Pages: 064057

M Escriba, M Benavent, C Miret, J Teruel, A Garcia, D Gonzalez, E De la Fuente, L Rodrigo, J Crespo, C Rubio

P-568 Correlation of ploidy analysis in two types of zygotes with 3 pronuclei (3PN) observed: same size 3PNs and one micronucleus 3PNs

Human Reproduction [Oxford University Press], Volume: 39 Issue: Supplement_1 Pages: deae108. 903

Julyan HE Cartwright, Jitka Čejková, Elena Fimmel, Simone Giannerini, Diego Luis Gonzalez, Greta Goracci, Clara Grácio, Jeanine Houwing-Duistermaat, Dragan Matić, Nataša Mišić, Frans AA Mulder, Oreste Piro

Information, Coding, and Biological Function: The Dynamics of Life

Artificial Life [MIT Press], Pages: 1-12

Merced Montesinos, Diego Gonzalez

Diffeomorphism-invariant action principles for trace-free Einstein gravity

Physical Review D [American Physical Society], Volume: 108 Issue: 12 Pages: 124013

Diego Gonzalez, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Jorge G Hirsch, J David Vergara

Parameter space geometry of the quartic oscillator and the double well potential: Classical and quantum description

arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.11848 [],

Sergio B Juárez, Diego Gonzalez, Daniel Gutiérrez-Ruiz, J David Vergara

Generalized quantum geometric tensor for excited states using the path integral approach

arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.11525 [],

Catalina Araya, Sergio Curilef, Diego González

University student retention analysis using quantitative tools data-based

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 2731 Issue: 1

Boris Atenas, Francisco A Calderón, Sergio Curilef, Yuvineza Gómez-Leyton, Diego González

Preface: IWoSP-2021 International Workshop on Statistical Physics

IWOSP 2021, INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON STATISTICAL PHYSICS [AIP Publishing LLC], Volume: 2731 Issue: 1 Pages: 010001

Bogar Díaz, Diego González, Marcos J Hernández, J David Vergara

Classical analogs of generalized purities, entropies, and logarithmic negativity

arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.02887 [],

Ramón Aparicio-Ruiz, Enrico Casadei, Clemente Ortiz Romero, Diego L García González, Maurizio Servili, Roberto Selvaggini, Florence Lacoste, Julien Escobessa, Stefania Vichi, Beatriz Quintanilla-Casas, Alba Tres, Pierre Alain Golay, Paolo Lucci, Erica Moret, Enrico Valli, Alessandra Bendini, Tullia Gallina Toschi

Method for the analysis of volatile compounds in virgin olive oil by SPME-GC-MS or SPME-GC-FID

MethodsX [Elsevier], Pages: 101972

Diego Gonzalez, Naoya Kitajima, Fuminobu Takahashi, Wen Yin

Stability of domain wall network with initial inflationary fluctuations, and its implications for cosmic birefringence

arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.06849 [],

Alexander Águila-Téllez, Diego González, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Leony Ortiz

Ubicación y dimensionamiento óptimo de Generación Distribuida en redes de distribución usando PSO

I+ D Tecnológico [], Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Pages: 50-68

Daniel Gutiérrez-Ruiz, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Diego Gonzalez, Jorge G Hirsch, J David Vergara

Quantum metric tensor of the Dicke model: Analytical and numerical study

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 105 Issue: 21 Pages: 214106

Céline Terrettaz, Bruno Cabete, Johan Geiser, Martina Valentini, Diego Gonzalez

KaiC-like proteins improve stress resistance in environmental Pseudomonas species

bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],

Thierry Kuhn, Marine Mamin, Saskia Bindschedler, Redouan Bshary, Aislinn Estoppey, Diego Gonzalez, Fabio Palmieri, Pilar Junier, Xiang-Yi Li Richter

Spatial scales of competition and a growth-motility tradeoff interact to determine bacterial coexistence

bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],

C Rubio, G Consiglio, D Niebla, S Alejandro, S Paz, A Gutiérrez, A Hardisson, D González

Los suplementos proteicos como fuente de Na, Mg, K, Ca, Fe y Zn

Farm. comunitarios (Internet) [], Pages: 1-1

Bogar Díaz, Diego González, Daniel Gutiérrez-Ruiz, J David Vergara

Classical analogs of the covariance matrix, purity, linear entropy, and von Neumann entropy

arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.10899 [],

Merced Montesinos, Diego Gonzalez

Generalizations of the Nieh-Yan topological invariant

Physical Review D [American Physical Society], Volume: 104 Issue: 8 Pages: 084020

Sergio Curilef, Diego González, Carlos Calderón

Analyzing the 2019 Chilean social outbreak: Modelling Latin American economies

Plos one [Public Library of Science], Volume: 16 Issue: 8 Pages: e0256037

Diego Gonzalez, Daniel Gutiérrez-Ruiz, J David Vergara

Classical description of the parameter space geometry in the Dicke and Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick models

Physical Review E [American Physical Society], Volume: 104 Issue: 1 Pages: 014113

C Escriba, A Alambiaga, M Benavent, C Miret, A Garcia, M Lozano, D Gonzalez, J Crespo, J Teruel

P–532 Embryo quality needs to be considered as a main criterion when selecting mosaic embryos for transfer

Human Reproduction [Oxford University Press], Volume: 36 Issue: Supplement_1 Pages: deab130. 531

Daniel Gutiérrez-Ruiz, Diego Gonzalez, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Jorge G Hirsch, J David Vergara

Quantum geometric tensor and quantum phase transitions in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 103 Issue: 17 Pages: 174104

Ravinash Krishna Kumar, Thomas A Meiller-Legrand, Alessandro Alcinesio, Diego Gonzalez, Despoina AI Mavridou, Oliver J Meacock, William PJ Smith, Linna Zhou, Wook Kim, Gökçe Su Pulcu, Hagan Bayley, Kevin R Foster

Droplet printing reveals the importance of micron-scale structure for bacterial ecology

Nature communications [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-12

Merced Montesinos, Diego Gonzalez, Rodrigo Romero, Mariano Celada

Off-shell Noether currents and potentials for first-order general relativity

Symmetry [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 348

Diego González, Roberto García, Anthuan Barrera, Luis Benítez

Reflexiones sobre manejo adecuado de cadena de custodia en nuevo proceso penal

Semilla científica: Revista de investigación formativa [Universidad UMECIT], Pages: 451-457

Martina Valentini, Stéphane Hausmann, Diego Gonzalez, Johan Geiser

The DEAD-box RNA helicases RhlE2 is a global regulator of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lifestyle and pathogenesis

bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],

Diego González, Roberto García, Anthuan Barrera, Luis Benítez

Reflexiones sobre manejo adecuado de cadena de custodia en nuevo proceso penal

Semilla científica: Revista de investigación formativa [Universidad UMECIT], Pages: 451-457

R Christopher D Furniss, Nikol Kaderabkova, Declan Barker, Patricia Bernal, Evgenia Maslova, Amanda AA Antwi, Helen E McNeil, Hannah L Pugh, Laurent Dortet, Jessica MA Blair, Gerald Larrouy-Maumus, Ronan R McCarthy, Diego Gonzalez, Despoina AI Mavridou

Breaking antimicrobial resistance by disrupting extracytoplasmic protein folding

bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],

Stéphane Hausmann, Diego Gonzalez, Johan Geiser, Martina Valentini

The DEAD-box RNA helicases RhlE2 is a global regulator of Pseudomonas aeruginosa lifestyle and pathogenesis

bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],

EA Kara, L Santana, A Barth, E Cackett, R Edelson, J Gelbord, M Goad, B Peterson, J Hernandez Santisteban, K Horne, M Parker, A Fabian, D Gonzalez, I McHardy

First results from the Mrk 335 Intensive Disc Reverberation Mapping campaign

American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts [], Volume: 53 Issue: 1 Pages: 226.07

R Hernández, M Molina, Y Hernandez, E Lemus, A Hernandez, D Gonzalez

Efectividad de intervención educativa sobre estilos de vida en adultos mayores. Nueva Paz 2019-2020

QhaliKay.[Revista de Ciencias de la Salud] [], Volume: 5 Pages: 29-37

Diego González, Diego Fernández de la Pradilla, Guillermo González

Revisiting the experimental test of Mermin's inequalities at IBMQ

International Journal of Theoretical Physics [Springer US], Volume: 59 Issue: 12 Pages: 3756-3768

Diego Gonzalez, Daniel Gutiérrez-Ruiz, J David Vergara

Phase space formulation of the Abelian and non-Abelian quantum geometric tensor

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical [IOP Publishing], Volume: 53 Issue: 50 Pages: 505305

Julyan HE Cartwright, Diego L González, Oreste Piro

Dynamical Systems, Celestial Mechanics, and Music: Pythagoras Revisited

The Mathematical Intelligencer [Springer US], Pages: 1-15

Sergio Bazaga, Javier Tejedor Tejada, Mario Alberto Gallardo Ramirez, Francisco Javier Garcia-Alonso, Diego Gonzalez, Beatriz Madrigal, Ana Yaiza Carbajo, Marina de Benito, Manuel Perez-Miranda, Carlos de la Serna-Higuera

Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of renal lesions: experience in a tertiary center.

Revista Espanola de Enfermadades Digestivas (REED) [Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestivas], Volume: 112 Issue: 11 Pages: 838-843

Lukas S Stelzl, Despoina AI Mavridou, Emmanuel Saridakis, Diego Gonzalez, Andrew J Baldwin, Stuart J Ferguson, Mark SP Sansom, Christina Redfield

Local frustration determines loop opening during the catalytic cycle of an oxidoreductase

Elife [eLife Sciences Publications Limited], Volume: 9 Pages: e54661

Berenice Rojo-Garibaldi, Costanza Rangoni, Diego L González, Julyan HE Cartwright

Non-Power Positional Number Representation Systems, Bijective Numeration, and the Mesoamerican Discovery of Zero

arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.10207 [],

G Gonzalo, A Aguila, D González, L Ortiz

Optimum location and sizing of capacitor banks using VOLT VAR compensation in micro-grids

IEEE Latin America Transactions [IEEE], Volume: 18 Issue: 03 Pages: 465-472

Diego González, Sergio Davis, Sergio Curilef

Solving equations of motion by using Monte Carlo Metropolis: Novel method via Random Paths and Maximum Caliber Principle

arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.00624 [],

Renata Da Fonseca, Lydia López Del-Valle, Lis Arocho, Diego González, José González, Edgar Perales de Anda, Damaris Molina-Negrón

Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

Revista de Odontopediatría Latinoamericana [], Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Pages: 144-150

Javier Alvarez‐Jimenez, Diego Gonzalez, Daniel Gutiérrez‐Ruiz, Jose David Vergara

Geometry of the parameter space of a quantum system: Classical point of view

Annalen der Physik [], Volume: 532 Issue: 2 Pages: 1900215

Javier Alvarez‐Jimenez, Diego Gonzalez, Daniel Gutiérrez‐Ruiz, Jose David Vergara

Geometry of the parameter space of a quantum system: Classical point of view

Annalen der Physik [], Volume: 532 Issue: 2 Pages: 1900215

Merced Montesinos, Rodrigo Romero, Diego Gonzalez

The gauge symmetries of f (R) gravity with torsion in the Cartan formalism

arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.08759 [],

Merced Montesinos, Rodrigo Romero, Diego Gonzalez

The gauge symmetries of gravity with torsion in the Cartan formalism

Classical and Quantum Gravity [IOP Publishing], Volume: 37 Issue: 4 Pages: 045008

Merced Montesinos, Rodrigo Romero, Diego Gonzalez

The gauge symmetries of gravity with torsion in the Cartan formalism

Classical and Quantum Gravity [IOP Publishing], Volume: 37 Issue: 4 Pages: 045008

Selamawit Abi Woldemeskel, Allison K Daitch, Laura Alvarez, Gaël Panis, Rilee Zeinert, Diego Gonzalez, Erika Smith, Justine Collier, Peter Chien, Felipe Cava, Patrick H Viollier, Erin D Goley

The conserved transcriptional regulator CdnL is required for metabolic homeostasis and morphogenesis in Caulobacter

PLoS genetics [Public Library of Science], Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Pages: e1008591

Selamawit Abi Woldemeskel, Allison K Daitch, Laura Alvarez, Gaël Panis, Rilee Zeinert, Diego Gonzalez, Erika Smith, Justine Collier, Peter Chien, Felipe Cava, Patrick H Viollier, Erin D Goley

The conserved transcriptional regulator CdnL is required for metabolic homeostasis and morphogenesis in Caulobacter

PLoS genetics [Public Library of Science], Volume: 16 Issue: 1 Pages: e1008591

Diego L Gonzalez, Simone Giannerini, Rodolfo Rosa

Rumer’s transformation: A symmetry puzzle standing for half a century

Biosystems [Elsevier], Volume: 187 Pages: 104036

Simone Giannerini, Alberto Danielli, Diego Luis Gonzalez, Greta Goracci

A role for circular code properties in translation

bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory],

Sergio Bazaga, Javier Tejedor-Tejada, Mario Gallardo Ramírez, Francisco Javier García-Alonso, Diego González, Beatriz Madrigal, Ana Carbajo, Marina de Benito, Manuel Perez-Miranda, Carlos de la Serna Higuera

Punciones renales guiadas por ecoendoscopia: experiencia de un centro de tercer nivel

Rev. esp. enferm. dig [], Pages: 838-842

DL Gonzalez, S Giannerini, R Rosa

On the origin of degeneracy in the genetic code

Interface focus [The Royal Society], Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 20190038

Diego L Gonzalez, Simone Giannerini, Rodolfo Rosa

Rumer’s transformation: a symmetry puzzle standing for half a century

Biosystems [Elsevier], Pages: 104036

María Molinos-Senante, Diego González

Evaluation of the economics of desalination by integrating greenhouse gas emission costs: An empirical application for Chile

Renewable Energy [Pergamon], Volume: 133 Pages: 1327-1337

Diego Gonzalez, Daniel Gutiérrez-Ruiz, J David Vergara

Classical analog of the quantum metric tensor

Physical Review E [American Physical Society], Volume: 99 Issue: 3 Pages: 032144

María Teresa Morales, Inmaculada Romero, Dolores Hernanz, María Ángeles Herrador, María Teresa Montaña, Guillermina Galán, María José Navas, Ana María Jiménez, María Mar Orta, Diego L García-González, Julia Martín, Agustín G Asuero

Competence Assessment: A Measurement System for the Subject “Applied Analytical Chemistry” of the Pharmacy Degree

Educación química [Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Química], Volume: 30 Issue: 2 Pages: 100-113

María Teresa Morales Millán, Julia Martín Bueno, Inmaculada Romero del Río, Dolores Hernanz Vila, Angeles Herrador Morillo, María Teresa Montaña González, Guillermina Galán Alfonso, María José Navas Sánchez, Ana Mª Jiménez, María del Mar Orta Cuevas, Diego Luis García González, Agustín García Asuero

Competence Assessment: a Measurement System for the Subject “Applied Analytical Chemistry” of the Pharmacy Degree

Educación química [Facultad de Química], Volume: 30 Issue: 2 Pages: 100-113

Lukas S Stelzl, Despoina AI Mavridou, Andrew J Baldwin, Stuart J Ferguson, Mark SP Sansom, Christina Redfield

Local frustration determines loop opening in protein-protein association

bioRxiv [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory], Pages: 686949

G Cabello-Guzmán, Diego González, C Caro-Díaz, L Lillo-Arroyo, F Valenzuela-Melgarejo, G Cárdenas Triviño, GE Buono-Core, B Chornik, Yosselin Huentupil

Preliminary evaluation of the up-conversion emission of Y2O3: Er-Yb thin films prepared by a solid state photochemical deposition method

Journal of Luminescence [North-Holland], Volume: 204 Pages: 401-409

Diego Gonzalez, Daniel Gutiérrez-Ruiz, J David Vergara

Classical analog of the quantum information metric

arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.09259 [],

Shevket H Shevket, Diego Gonzalez, Jared L Cartwright, Colin Kleanthous, Stuart J Ferguson, Christina Redfield, Despoina AI Mavridou

The CcmC-CcmE interaction during cytochrome c maturation by System I is driven by protein-protein and not protein-heme contacts

Journal of Biological Chemistry [Elsevier], Volume: 293 Issue: 43 Pages: 16778-16790

Merced Montesinos, Diego Gonzalez, Mariano Celada

The gauge symmetries of first-order general relativity with matter fields

Classical and Quantum Gravity [IOP Publishing], Volume: 35 Issue: 20 Pages: 205005

Enrico Valli, Diego Luis Garcia Gonzalez, Ramon Aparicio-Ruiz, Enrico Casadei, Sara Barbieri, Alessandra Bendini, Tullia Gallina Toschi

Combined approaches for the sensory “targetization” of volatile compounds in virgin olive oils by SPME-GC-FID

Book of Abstracts of the 16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo, Belfast (Northern Ireland) [], Pages: 16-19

Sergio Davis, Diego González, Gonzalo Gutiérrez

Probabilistic Inference for Dynamical Systems

Entropy [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 20 Issue: 9 Pages: 696

Diego Gonzalez, Akshay Sabnis, Kevin R Foster, Despoina AI Mavridou

Costs and benefits of provocation in bacterial warfare

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [National Academy of Sciences], Volume: 115 Issue: 29 Pages: 7593-7598

Diego Gonzalez, Mariano Celada, Merced Montesinos

Polynomial -type action for general relativity and anti-self-dual gravity

Physical Review D [American Physical Society], Volume: 97 Issue: 12 Pages: 124055

Sergio Davis, Jalaj Jain, Diego González, Gonzalo Gutiérrez

Implications of Superstatistics for steady-state plasmas

Journal of Physics: Conference Series [IOP Publishing], Volume: 1043 Issue: 1 Pages: 012011

Diego González, Abiam Tamburrini, Sergio Davis, Jalaj Jain, Gonzalo Gutiérrez

Expectation values of general observables in the Vlasov formalism

Journal of Physics: Conference Series [IOP Publishing], Volume: 1043 Issue: 1 Pages: 012008

Diego L González, Loris Rabiti, Julyan HE Cartwright

Bonaventura Cavalieri and Bologna

The Mathematical Intelligencer [Springer US], Volume: 40 Issue: 2 Pages: 21-29

Despoina AI Mavridou, Diego Gonzalez, Wook Kim, Stuart A West, Kevin R Foster

Bacteria use collective behavior to generate diverse combat strategies

Current Biology [Cell Press], Volume: 28 Issue: 3 Pages: 345-355. e4

Ramón Aparicio, DL García González, Ramón Aparicio-Ruiz

Vegetable oils

Food integrity handbook: a guide to food authenticity issues and analytical solutions, Eurofins. https://doi. org/10.32741/fihb [],

Despoina Mavridou, Diego Gonzalez, Christopher Furniss

Characterisation of disulfide bond formation in bacterial pathogens: Unravelling the adaptation of a classical pathway into a virulence aid

Impact [Science Impact Ltd], Volume: 2017 Issue: 10 Pages: 55-57

Merced Montesinos, Diego González, Mariano Celada, Bogar Díaz

Reformulation of the symmetries of first-order general relativity

Classical and Quantum Gravity [IOP Publishing], Volume: 34 Issue: 20 Pages: 205002

TULLIA GALLINA Toschi, Enrico Valli, Lanfranco Conte, Diego Luis García González, Alain Maquet, Paul Brereton, Nina Mcgrath, Laura Fernández Celemín, Alessandra Bendini

EU project OLEUM: Better solutions to protect olive oil quality and authenticity

Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech [TeknoScienze], Volume: 28 Issue: 5 Pages: 2-3

Diego González, Sergio Davis

Jarzynski equality in the context of maximum path entropy

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 1853 Issue: 1 Pages: 080003

Diego González, Sergio Davis

Jarzynski equality in the context of maximum path entropy

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 1853 Issue: 1 Pages: 080003

Aránzazu Gallego-García, Antonio A Iniesta, Diego González, Justine Collier, Subramanian Padmanabhan, Montserrat Elías-Arnanz

Caulobacter crescentus CdnL is a non-essential RNA polymerase-binding protein whose depletion impairs normal growth and rRNA transcription

Scientific reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-16

R Aparicio, N Tena, I Romero, Diego Luis García González, María Teresa Morales Millán

Predicting extra virgin olive oil freshness during storage by fluorescence spectroscopy

Grasas y aceites [Instituto de la Grasa], Volume: 68 Issue: 4 Pages: 5

G González, C Calderón, D González, J Trujillo

Priority Rules Performance Analysis as a GA Initial Population for RCMPSP

Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management [], Pages: 1201-1211

Renata Da Fonseca, Lydia López Del-Valle, Lis Arocho, Diego González, José González, Edgar Perales de Anda, Damaris Molina-Negrón

Histiocitosis de Células de Langerhans

Revista de Odontopediatría Latinoamericana [], Volume: 7 Issue: 2 Pages: 7-7

Diego González, Daniela Díaz, Sergio Davis

Continuity equation for probability as a requirement of inference over paths

The European Physical Journal B [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 89 Issue: 10 Pages: 1-5

Julyan HE Cartwright, Diego L González

M\" obius strips before M\" obius: Topological hints in ancient representations

arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.07779 [],

Despoina AI Mavridou, Diego Gonzalez, Abigail Clements, Kevin R Foster

The pUltra plasmid series: A robust and flexible tool for fluorescent labeling of Enterobacteria

Plasmid [Academic Press], Volume: 87 Pages: 65-71

Diego González, Andrea Morteo

Infância e adolescência no Uruguai: uma aproximação a partir da perspectiva da governamentalidade

Ayvu: Revista de Psicologia [], Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Pages: 42-70

Humberto Loguercio, Diego González, Sergio Davis

Functional identities in superstatistics

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 1757 Issue: 1 Pages: 060009

Diego González, Sergio Davis

Liouville’s theorem from the principle of maximum caliber in phase space

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 1757 Issue: 1 Pages: 020003

Julyan HE Cartwright, Diego L González

Möbius Strips Before Möbius: Topological Hints in Ancient Representations

The Mathematical Intelligencer [Springer US], Volume: 38 Issue: 2 Pages: 69-76

Mariano Celada, Diego González, Merced Montesinos

Plebanski-like action for general relativity and anti-self-dual gravity

Physical Review D [American Physical Society], Volume: 93 Issue: 10 Pages: 104058

Diego González, Sergio Davis

The Maximum Caliber principle applied to continuous systems

Journal of Physics: Conference Series [IOP Publishing], Volume: 720 Issue: 1 Pages: 012006

Diego Luis Gonzalez, Simone Giannerini, Rodolfo Rosa

The non-power model of the genetic code: a paradigm for interpreting genomic information

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences [The Royal Society Publishing], Volume: 374 Issue: 2063 Pages: 20150062

Julyan HE Cartwright, Simone Giannerini, Diego L González

Introduction: DNA as information: at the crossroads between biology, mathematics, physics and chemistry


Sergio Davis, Joaquín Peralta, Yasmín Navarrete, Diego González, Gonzalo Gutiérrez

A Bayesian Interpretation of First-Order Phase Transitions

Foundations of Physics [Springer US], Volume: 46 Issue: 3 Pages: 350-359

S Sarntivijai, D Vasant, S Jupp, G Saunders, AP Bento, D Gonzalez, J Betts, S Hasan, G Koscielny, I Dunham, H Parkinson, J Malone

Content Summa-ries of Selected Best Papers for the 2017 IMIA Yearbook, Section Knowledge Repre-sentation and Management

Inform [], Volume: 60 Pages: 23-37

Abigail Clements, Diego Gonzalez, Kevin R Foster, Despoina AI Mavridou

The pUltra plasmid series: A robust and flexible tool for fluorescent labeling of Enterobacteria

Plasmid [Elsevier BV], Volume: 87

Elena Fimmel, Simone Giannerini, Diego Luis Gonzalez, Lutz Strüngmann

Dinucleotide circular codes and bijective transformations

Journal of theoretical biology [Academic Press], Volume: 386 Pages: 159-165

Diego González Herrera, Gustavo Luna Russi, Edwin Rivas Trujillo

Evaluación del impacto de la generación distribuida mediante índices normalizados con base en la normatividad colombiana y estándares IEEE

Ingeniería [Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas], Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Pages: 299-315

F Faure, S Díaz, T Araneda, M Taub, M Millán, A Hoffmann, F Bustos, A Barros, D González, R Fritsch

Post-traumatic stress disorder in adults victims of fire in Valparaiso, Chile, April 2014

Journal of the Neurological Sciences [Elsevier], Volume: 357 Pages: e219-e220

Diego Gonzalez, Justine Collier

Genomic adaptations to the loss of a conserved bacterial DNA methyltransferase

MBio [American Society for Microbiology], Volume: 6 Issue: 4

Elena Fimmel, Simone Giannerini, Diego Luis Gonzalez, Lutz Strüngmann

Circular codes, symmetries and transformations

Journal of mathematical biology [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 70 Issue: 7 Pages: 1623-1644

F Faure, S Díaz, T Araneda, M Taub, M Millán, A Hoffmann, F Bustos, A Barros, D González, R Fritsch

WFN15-1081 Miscellaneous Topics 3 Post-traumatic stress disorder in adults victims of fire in Valparaiso, Chile, April 2014

Abstracts/Journal of the Neurological Sciences [], Volume: 357 Pages: e215-e234

Diego Gonzalez, Justine Collier

Effects of (p) ppGpp on the progression of the cell cycle of Caulobacter crescentus

Journal of bacteriology [American Society for Microbiology Journals], Volume: 196 Issue: 14 Pages: 2514-2525

Diego Gonzalez, Jennifer B Kozdon, Harley H McAdams, Lucy Shapiro, Justine Collier

The functions of DNA methylation by CcrM in Caulobacter crescentus: a global approach

Nucleic acids research [Oxford University Press], Volume: 42 Issue: 6 Pages: 3720-3735

Noelia Tena Pajuelo, Ramón Aparicio Ruíz, Diego Luis García González

Use of polar and nonpolar fractions as additional information sources for studying thermoxidized virgin olive oils by FTIR

Grasas y aceites [Instituto de la Grasa], Volume: 65 Issue: 3 Pages: 2

Jennifer B Kozdon, Michael D Melfi, Khai Luong, Tyson A Clark, Matthew Boitano, Susana Wang, Bo Zhou, Diego Gonzalez, Justine Collier, Stephen W Turner, Jonas Korlach, Lucy Shapiro, Harley H McAdams

Global methylation state at base-pair resolution of the Caulobacter genome throughout the cell cycle

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [National Academy of Sciences], Volume: 110 Issue: 48 Pages: E4658-E4667

Matthew D Gonzalez

Outsourcing in Higher Education.

Journal of International Diversity [], Issue: 3

Julyan HE Cartwright, Bruno Escribano, Diego L González, C Ignacio Sainz-Díaz, Idan Tuval

Brinicles as a case of inverse chemical gardens

Langmuir [American Chemical Society], Volume: 29 Issue: 25 Pages: 7655-7660

Diego Gonzalez, Justine Collier

DNA methylation by CcrM activates the transcription of two genes required for the division of Caulobacter crescentus

Molecular microbiology [], Volume: 88 Issue: 1 Pages: 203-218

F Alvisi, E Eccel, S Vella, V Grasso, V Vitale, M Mazzola, M Ranieri, GM Coscione, DL Gonzalez

GSF al Festival della Scienza di Genova 2012: Ricerca, sostenibilità e governance: laboratori di cittadinanza scientifica sulle tematiche ambientali

Geologia senza Frontiere ONLUS: notiziario [], Issue: 17 Pages: 4-6

Enrico Properzi, Simone Giannerini, Diego Luis Gonzalez, Rodolfo Rosa

Genome characterization through dichotomic classes: an analysis of the whole chromosome 1 of A. thaliana.

Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering [American Institute of Mathematical Sciences], Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 199

Simone Giannerini, Diego Luis Gonzalez, Rodolfo Rosa

DNA, dichotomic classes and frame synchronization: a quasi-crystal framework

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences [The Royal Society Publishing], Volume: 370 Issue: 1969 Pages: 2987-3006

E Goni, R Krstulovic, R Leon, D Gonzalez, Antonieta Solar, M Campusano, A Ruiz, Eu Catalina

Definitive anatomopathological findings in thyroidectomized patients with preoperative diagnosis of follicular neoplasm


E Goni, R Krstulovic, R Leon, D Gonzalez, O Cruz, G Ruiz, Eu Catalina

Postoperative thyroid bed granuloma incidence using ultrasonic knife in total thyroidectomy in cancer patients


Diego Luis Gonzalez, Simone Giannerini, Rodolfo Rosa

On the origin of the mitochondrial genetic code: towards a unified mathematical framework for the management of genetic information

Nature precedings [Nature Publishing Group UK], Volume: 7 Pages: 1-1

Isabella Bruni, Francesca Alvisi, Diego Gonzalez, Marcello Ranieri

«Prendiamoci cura del Pianeta» Un decennio di educazione ambientale

Media Education [], Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Pages: 235-242

Diego Luis García González, Noelia Tena Pajuelo, R Aparicio

Descripción de la singularidad química de denominaciones de origen protegidas españolas en relación a sus áreas olivareras vecinas

Grasas y aceites [Instituto de la Grasa], Volume: 63 Issue: 1 Pages: 26-34

Claudia López, Diego González, Jorge Errandonea

Justicia transicional en Colombia

Colombia: un nuevo modelo de justicia transicional [GIZ], Pages: 11-114

Carmen Fernandez-Fernandez, Diego Gonzalez, Justine Collier

Regulation of the activity of the dual-function DnaA protein in Caulobacter crescentus

PLoS One [Public Library of Science], Volume: 6 Issue: 10 Pages: e26028

E Goni, R Krstulovic, W Quintas, R Leon, D Gonzalez, M Leon, M Droppelmann, A Ruiz, Eu Catalina

Thyroidectomy dysphonia


DL Gonzalez, S Giannerini, R Rosa

Circular codes revisited: a statistical approach

Journal of Theoretical Biology [Academic Press], Volume: 275 Issue: 1 Pages: 21-28

József Vanyó, Bruno Escribano, Julyan HE Cartwright, Diego L González, Oreste Piro, Tamás Tél

A minimal dynamical model for tidal synchronization and orbit circularization

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy [Springer Netherlands], Volume: 109 Issue: 2 Pages: 181-200

Richard Krantz, Jack Douthett, Julyan Cartwright, Diego Gonzalez, Oreste Piro

The Farey series devil's staircase: Connection to dynamical-systems, statistical physics, music theory and music perception?

APS Four Corners Section Meeting Abstracts [], Pages: E1. 055

Julyan HE Cartwright, Jack Douthett, Diego L González, Richard Krantz, Oreste Piro

Two musical paths to the Farey series and devil's staircase

Journal of Mathematics and Music [Taylor & Francis], Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Pages: 57-74

Diego Luis Gonzalez, Simone Giannerini, Rodolfo Rosa

The mathematical structure of the genetic code: a tool for inquiring on the origin of life

Statistica [Department of Statistics, University of Bologna], Volume: 69 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 143-157

D Gonzalez, L Pinto

Influence of the Convergence and Stepover Angles in the Structural Style of Strike-Slip Systems: Analogue Models

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts [], Volume: 2008 Pages: T23B-2013

Diego Luis Gonzalez, Simone Giannerini, Rodolfo Rosa

Strong short-range correlations and dichotomic codon classes in coding DNA sequences

Physical review E [American Physical Society], Volume: 78 Issue: 5 Pages: 051918

Julyan HE Cartwright, Diego L Gonzalez, Oreste Piro

Nonlinear dynamics approach to pitch perception and harmony.

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America [Acoustical Society of America], Volume: 124 Issue: 4 Pages: 2470-2470

Bruno Escribano, Jozsef Vanyo, Idan Tuval, Julyan HE Cartwright, Diego L González, Oreste Piro, Tamás Tél

Dynamics of tidal synchronization and orbit circularization of celestial bodies

Physical Review E [American Physical Society], Volume: 78 Issue: 3 Pages: 036216

C Calderón, D González, C Sanabria

Efecto exportador y tratado comercial con Estados Unidos: una evaluación coyuntural

Documento de Trabajo [], Issue: 2008-02

P Ravela, H Valdés, F Jurado, D González, C Guzmán, J Jaramillo, M Cardona, C Martínez

La evaluación externa en seis países de América Latina: Balances y retos

Editorial Bonaventuriana. Colombia [],

Julyan HE Cartwright, Diego L Gonzalez, Oreste Piro

The dynamics of a sensory apparatus: The case of the auditory system

AIP Conference Proceedings [American Institute of Physics], Volume: 887 Issue: 1 Pages: 29-39

Simone Giannerini, Rodolfo Rosa, Diego Luis Gonzalez

Testing chaotic dynamics in systems with two positive Lyapunov exponents: a bootstrap solution

International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos [World Scientific Publishing Company], Volume: 17 Issue: 01 Pages: 169-182

Diego Luis García González, María Viera, Noelia Tena Pajuelo, Ramón Aparicio Ruíz

Evaluación de los métodos basados en triglicéridos y esteroles para detectar la presencia de aceite de avellana en aceite de oliva

Grasas y aceites [Instituto de la Grasa], Volume: 58 Issue: 4 Pages: 344-350

Diego Luis Gonzalez, Simone Giannerini, Rodolfo Rosa

Detecting structure in parity binary sequences

IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine [IEEE], Volume: 25 Issue: 1 Pages: 69-81

Elebeoba E May, Thomas D Schneider, Gérard Battail, Manish K Gupta, Dónall A Mac Dónaill, Gail L Rosen, Diego Luis Gonzalez, Simone Giannerini, Rodolfo Rosa, Daniel Nicorici, Olli Yli-Harja, Jaakko Astola, Mladen A Vouk, Donald L Bitzer


IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine [], Pages: 2

D Bonsi, L Fanucci, F Fontana, DL Gonzalez, N L’Insalata, G Schffrer, D Stanzial

Demonstration of measurement and recording for acoustic quadraphony

IP-RACINE deliverable [], Volume: 7 Issue: 2

Alvise Vidolin, Davide Bonsi, Diego Gonzalez, Domenico Stanzial

Convolving a clarinet with a piano

Proceedings of the [], Pages: 347-351

Davide Bonsi, Diego Gonzalez, Domenico Stanzial

Quadraphonic impulse responses for acoustic enhancement of audio tracks: measurement and analysis

Forum Acusticum [], Pages: 335-340

Federico Fontana, Diego L Gonzalez

Advanced LPC techniques of voice regeneration for “Virtual Dubbing”

Proc. of the 2005 Forum Acusticum,(Budapest, Hungary) [], Pages: 325-330

C Escriba, A Alambiaga, M Benavent, C Miret, A Garcia, M Lozano, D Gonzalez, J Crespo, J Teruel

Embryo quality needs to be considered as a main criterion when selecting mosaic embryos for transfer


C Miret Lucio, M Benavent, M Escriba, A Garcia, D Gonzalez, N Borgesi, G Calderon, J Crespo, J Teruel

Prospective comparative study between two commercial single culture media using sibling donor oocytes collected from randomized ovaries


P Vijayvargiya, G Calderon, D Gonzalez, S Tawfic, S Batbold, H Saifuddin, P Duggan, V Melo, T Thomas, M Heeney, A Beyder, J Miller, K Valles, K Oyemade, J Fenner, V Chedid, M Camilleri

Impact of fecal bile acid diagnostic testing in 966 patients with chronic functional diarrhea: reduction in health care utilization, positive diagnosis and prediction of …


Ana Lobo Prieto, Ramón Aparicio Ruíz, Noelia Tena Pajuelo, Clemente Ortiz Romero, Enrique Jacobo Díaz Montaña, María Teresa Morales Millán, Diego Luis García González

Aroma del aceite de oliva virgen: interpretación química de la percepción sensorial

Las bondades del consumo de aceite de oliva virgen [Universidade de Vigo], Pages: 23-38

Giovanni Lapenta, Jorge Amaya, Diego Gonzalez, Deep-Est H2020 Consortium Collaboration

Development of high performance particle in cell code for the exascale age

APS Meeting Abstracts [],

D Gonzalez, H Lamb, D Partida, Z Wilson, J Prieto, SK Olson

Complexes regulating C. elegans eggshell formation and egg activation are scaffolded by a common protein.


S Sarntivijai, C Leroy, D Vasant, G Saunders, P Bento, D Gonzalez, J Betts, S Hasan, G Koscielny, I Dunham, H Parkinson, J Malone



Renata Da Fonseca, Damaris Molina Negron, Lis Arocho, Diego Gonzalez, Carlo Buzzi, Aria Iglesias, Rafael Martín


Pediatric Blood & Cancer [WILEY-BLACKWELL], Volume: 62 Pages: S125-S125

DLG González, N Tena, M Lees, M Thomas, A Maquet, E Maestri, S van Ruth, Y Weesepoel, F Camin, L Bontempo, G Downey, V Baeten, J Fernández Pierna, L Mannina

WP4-Olive oil integrity: joining quality and authenticity

2nd Food integrity conference: assuring the integrity of the food chain: food authenticity research priorities and funding opportunities [],

AL Gutiérrez, D González, M Lanza, I Barriuso, L Valle, M Domingo, JR Pérez, J Basterrechea

Optimized artificial magnetic conductor design using CG-FFT and BPSO

2012 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP) [IEEE], Pages: 3609-3613

Julyan HE Cartwright, Diego L González, Oreste Piro

Nonlinear Dynamics, the Missing Fundamental, and Harmony

International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 168-188

Julyan HE Cartwright, Diego L González, Oreste Piro

Nonlinear Dynamics, the Missing Fundamental, and Harmony

International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music [Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg], Pages: 168-188

Graziano Bertini, Federico Fontana, Diego Gonzalez, Lorenzo Grassi, Massimo Magrini

Voice transformation algorithms with real time DSP rapid prototyping tools

2005 13th European Signal Processing Conference [IEEE], Pages: 1-4

Sergio Davis, Diego González, Gonzalo Gutiérrez

Energy, entropy, and the principle of maximum caliber as a framework for non equilibrium statistical mechanics

Proceedings of the first international conference on advances in nanomaterials and devices for energy and environment: abstract proceeding [],

Rodrigo Braga, Volnei Klehm, Leonardo Santana, Kevin Takano, Lauro Gama, Addison Lima, Vinícius Melo, Taynara Paiva, Diego Gonzalez, Michael Mello, Chak Lee, Lois Nascimento

NuGinga: a JavaScript Driven Implementation of Brazilian Digital TV Middleware for Android

Proceedings of the 24th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web [], Pages: 423-426

Enrico Casadei, Panni Filippo, Enrico Valli, Alessandra Bendini, Gianelli Michele, Diego Luis Garcia Gonzalez, Tullia GALLINA TOSCHI

GC-IMS screening to cluster the sensory grades of virgin olive oils

16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo. Book of Abstracts [], Pages: 271-271

Simone Giannerini, Diego Luis Gonzalez, Greta Goracci

Dichotomic Classes and Entropy Optimization in Coding Sequences

Code biology 2018, book of abstracts [], Pages: 34-34

Sara Barbieri, Chiara Cevoli, Alessandra Bendini, Winkelmann Ole, Lacoste Florence, Bučar-Miklavčič Milena, Karolina Brkić Bubola, Tibet Ummuhan, Diego Luis García González, Tullia GALLINA TOSCHI

A rapid screening method based on volatile compounds to support the sensory analysis of virgin olive oils

9th International Congress of food technologists, biotechnologists and nutritionists: book of abstracts [], Pages: 19-19

DL García González, RN Aparicio, Ramón Aparicio-Ruiz, JF Morin, M Lees

Olive oil

Food Integrity Handbook: A Guide to Food Autenticity Issues and Analytical Solutions [Eurofins Analytics France],

Tullia GALLINA TOSCHI, Conte Lanfranco, Diego Luis Garcia Gonzalez, Maquet Alain, Brereton Paul, Laura Fernandez Celemin

The EU H2020 OLEUM Project: state of play and first advancements

Book of abstract Foodintegrity 2017 Conference [Sale in zucca], Pages: 98-99

Sara Barbieri, Enrico Valli, Alessandra Bendini, Winkelmann Ole, Lacoste Florence, Bučar-Miklavčič Milena, Karolina Brkić Bubola, Tibet Ummuhan, Diego Luis García González, Tullia GALLINA TOSCHI

Flash gas chromatography electronic nose as a potential tool for rapid sensory screening of virgin olive oils

15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress. Book of abstracts [], Pages: 137-137

Diego L González, Simone Giannerini, Max E Valentinuzzi


Cardiac Fibrillation-Defibrillation: Clinical and Engineering Aspects [], Pages: 189-228

Diego L Gonzalez

The mathematical structure of the genetic code

The Codes of Life [Springer, Dordrecht], Pages: 111-152

Diego L Gonzalez

Error detection and correction codes

The Codes of Life [Springer, Dordrecht], Pages: 379-394