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Scientific Productions
Local analysis of a single impurity on a graphene Josephson Junction
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.20940 [],
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 109 Issue: 10 Pages: 104513
Applied Physics Letters [AIP Publishing], Volume: 122 Issue: 25
Off-resonant Dicke Quantum Battery: Charging by Virtual Photons
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.13624 [],
Photon condensation, Van Vleck paramagnetism, and chiral cavities
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.09964 [],
A non-perturbative no-go theorem for photon condensation in approximate models
The European Physical Journal Plus [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 137 Issue: 12 Pages: 1-14
Can deep sub-wavelength cavities induce Amperean superconductivity in a 2D material?
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.10371 [],
Tunable interface states between Floquet-Weyl semimetals
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.05388 [],
Effect of dilute impurities on short graphene Josephson junctions
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.04017 [],
No-go theorem for photon condensation: a non-perturbative extension to first-order phase transitions
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.09468 [],
The European Physical Journal Special Topics [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Pages: 1-5
Theory of photon condensation in a spatially varying electromagnetic field
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 102 Issue: 12 Pages: 125137
1/f critical current noise in short ballistic graphene Josephson junctions
Communications Physics [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-8
Coherent trapping in small quantum networks
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment [IOP Publishing], Volume: 2019 Issue: 12 Pages: 124024
Modulated phases of graphene quantum Hall polariton fluids
Bullettin of the Gioenia Academy of Natural Sciences of Catania [], Volume: 52 Issue: 382 Pages: MISC4-MISC5
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 100 Issue: 12 Pages: 121109
Charge carrier density noise in graphene: effect of localized/delocalized traps
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment [IOP Publishing], Volume: 2019 Issue: 9 Pages: 094015
Measuring Hall viscosity of graphene’s electron fluid
Science [American Association for the Advancement of Science], Volume: 364 Issue: 6436 Pages: 162-165
Magnetic hallmarks of viscous electron flow in graphene
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 99 Issue: 4 Pages: 041407
Scanning gate microscopy in a viscous electron fluid
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 98 Issue: 24 Pages: 241304
Prospects for the detection of electronic preturbulence in graphene
Physical review letters [American Physical Society], Volume: 121 Issue: 23 Pages: 236602
Photon pair production by STIRAP in ultrastrongly coupled matter-radiation systems
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.07079 [],
Quantum nonlocal theory of topological Fermi arc plasmons in Weyl semimetals
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 97 Issue: 12 Pages: 125431
Superballistic flow of viscous electron fluid through graphene constrictions
Nature Physics [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 13 Issue: 12 Pages: 1182-1185
Nonlocal transport and the Hall viscosity of two-dimensional hydrodynamic electron liquids
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 96 Issue: 19 Pages: 195401
Non-local transport and the Hall viscosity of 2D hydrodynamic electron liquids
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.08363 [],
Quantum non-local theory of topological Fermi arc plasmons in Weyl semimetals
arXiv e-prints [], Pages: arXiv: 1706.06200
Modulated phases of graphene quantum Hall polariton fluids
Nature communications [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-9
Electron hydrodynamics dilemma: Whirlpools or no whirlpools
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 94 Issue: 15 Pages: 155414
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 92 Issue: 20 Pages: 201407
Spin-resolved optical conductivity of two-dimensional group-VIB transition-metal dichalcogenides
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 90 Issue: 24 Pages: 245411
Theory of integer quantum Hall polaritons in graphene
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 89 Issue: 16 Pages: 165406
Effect of uniaxial strain on plasmon excitations in graphene
Journal of Physics: Conference Series [IOP Publishing], Volume: 377 Issue: 1 Pages: 012083
Resonant modes in strain-induced graphene superlattices
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 85 Issue: 19 Pages: 195409
Ballistic transport properties across nonuniform strain barriers in graphene
High Pressure Research [Taylor & Francis], Volume: 32 Pages: 18
Transport properties of graphene across strain-induced nonuniform velocity profiles
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 84 Issue: 19 Pages: 195404
Linear response correlation functions in strained graphene
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 84 Issue: 19 Pages: 195407
Cyclotron motion in the vicinity of a Lifshitz transition in graphite
Physical Review Letters [American Physical Society], Volume: 108 Issue: 1 Pages: 017602
Effect of uniaxial strain on the Drude weight of graphene
High Pressure Research [Taylor & Francis], Volume: 31 Issue: 1 Pages: 98-101
Dynamical polarization of graphene under strain
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 82 Issue: 11 Pages: 115434
Pairing symmetry of superconducting graphene
The European Physical Journal B [Springer-Verlag], Volume: 76 Issue: 3 Pages: 469-473
Strain effect on the optical conductivity of graphene
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 81 Issue: 3 Pages: 035411
Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 80 Issue: 9 Pages: 094203
Effect of uniaxial strain on the reflectivity of graphene
High Pressure Research [Taylor & Francis], Volume: 29 Issue: 4 Pages: 98-101
Proposed lower bound for the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio in some dense liquids
Physics Letters A [North-Holland], Volume: 373 Issue: 10 Pages: 992-998
Statistical correlations of an anyon liquid at low temperatures
Physics and Chemistry of Liquids [Taylor & Francis Group], Volume: 46 Issue: 3 Pages: 342-348
Statistical correlations in an ideal gas of particles obeying fractional exclusion statistics
Physical Review E [American Physical Society], Volume: 76 Issue: 6 Pages: 061123
Speedup of adiabatic multiqubit state-transfer by ultrastrong coupling of matter and radiation
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings [], Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 35
Graphene Josephson junction quantum circuits for noise detection
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings [], Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 33
All-Electrical Scheme for Hall Viscosity Measurement
Many-body Approaches at Different Scales [Springer, Cham], Pages: 11-19
Generalized Dicke Model of Graphene Cavity QED
Correlations in Condensed Matter under Extreme Conditions [Springer, Cham], Pages: 167-184