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Modelization and analysis of silicon qubit architectures in order to exploit the huge potentiality of the CMOS technology for the development of quantum technologies. Derivation of effective Hamiltonian models in the framework of silicon quantum dots and donors systems for quantum computation. Construction of quantum logical gates for one and two qubits through search genetic algorithms.


Elena Ferraro (1983) obtained her PhD in Physics with a thesis titled “Spin systems in fermionic and bosonic environment” from University of Palermo in 2010, where she also received the Laurea degree in Theoretical Physics in 2006. During her PhD she spents several months at the University “Albert Ludwigs” of Freiburg in Germany in the group of Prof. Heinz-Peter Breuer working on a research activity about open quantum system, acquiring competences on Markovian and non-Markovian master equation techniques. She has attended international Schools of Physics in the field of quantum information and quantum simulations and she has involved in several national and international scientific projects. She obtained in 2010 a two years Post-Doc at the University of Roma Tor Vergata following a research on ab-initio calculations of optical properties of silicon surfaces and nanostructures. She joined the MDM Laboratory in march 2012 as a temporary research scientist of CNR in the field of quantum computation with silicon devices and constructions of simple quantum logical gates. She obtained a Post-Doc from november 2014 to march 2016 at INRiM Torino (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica) following a research activity on non-equilibrium thermodynamics processes, magnetic vortex dynamics and spin Seebeck and spin Peltier effects analysis in magnetic junctions. She joined again the MDM Laboratory in april 2016 as a Post-Doc in the field of quantum computation in the framework of the european project MOS-QUITO (MOS-based Quantum Information Technology) . She is referee of international journals and has presented contributed talks in several international conferences.


Scientific Productions

Marco De Michielis, Davide Rei, Elena Ferraro

Parallel Gate Fidelity of Flip‐Flop Qubits in Small 1D‐and 2D‐Arrays in a Noisy Environment

Advanced Quantum Technologies [], Pages: 2300455

Marco De Michielis, Elena Ferraro

Impact of Parallel Gating on Gate Fidelities in Linear, Square, and Star Arrays of Noisy Flip‐Flop Qubits

Advanced Quantum Technologies [], Pages: 2400341

Marco De Michielis, Elena Ferraro, Enrico Prati, Louis Hutin, Benoit Bertrand, Edoardo Charbon, David J Ibberson, Miguel Fernando Gonzalez-Zalba

Silicon spin qubits from laboratory to industry

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics [IOP Publishing], Volume: 56 Issue: 36 Pages: 363001

Marco De Michielis, Elena Ferraro

Simulation of Parallel Gate Fidelities in 1D and 2D Arrays of Noisy Flip-Flop Qubits

Bulletin of the American Physical Society [American Physical Society],

Marco De Michielis, Elena Ferraro, Davide Rei

Flip-flop Qubits for Scalable Quantum Computing Architectures

Bulletin of the American Physical Society [American Physical Society],

Davide Rei, Elena Ferraro, Marco De Michielis

Parallel Gate Operations Fidelity in a Linear Array of Flip-Flop Qubits

arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.12982 [],

Gabriele Gira, Elena Ferraro, Mattia Borgarino

On the VCO/Frequency Divider Interface in Cryogenic CMOS PLL for Quantum Computing Applications

Electronics [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 10 Issue: 19 Pages: 2404

Elena Ferraro, Davide Rei, Matteo Paris, Marco De Michielis

Universal set of quantum gates for the flip-flop qubit in the presence of 1/f noise

arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.14341 [],

Elena Ferraro, Marco De Michielis

On the robustness of the hybrid qubit computational gates through simulated randomized benchmarking protocols

Scientific Reports [Nature Publishing Group], Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-10

Elena Ferraro, Enrico Prati

Is all-electrical silicon quantum computing feasible in the long term?

Physics Letters A [North-Holland], Volume: 384 Issue: 17 Pages: 126352

Elena Ferraro, Marco De Michielis

Bandwidth-limited and noisy pulse sequences for single qubit operations in semiconductor spin qubits

Entropy [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 21 Issue: 11 Pages: 1042

E Ferraro, M Fanciulli, M De Michielis

Phonon-induced relaxation and decoherence times of the hybrid qubit in silicon quantum dots

Physical Review B [APS], Volume: 100 Pages: 035310

Elena Ferraro, Marco Fanciulli, Marco De Michielis

Coherence time analysis in semiconducting hybrid qubit under realistic experimental conditions

Advanced Quantum Technologies [], Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Pages: 1800040

E Ferraro, M Fanciulli, M De Michielis

Semiconducting double-dot exchange-only qubit dynamics in presence of magnetic and charge noises

Quantum Information Processing [Springer US], Volume: 17 Issue: 6 Pages: 130

Elena Ferraro, Marco Fanciulli, Marco De Michielis

Gate fidelity comparison in semiconducting spin qubit implementations affected by control noises

Journal of Physics Communications [IOP], Volume: 2 Pages: 115022

Elena Ferraro, Marco Fanciulli, Marco De Michielis

Semiconducting double-dot exchange-only qubit dynamics in the presence of magnetic and charge noises

Quantum Information Processing [Springer US], Volume: 17 Issue: 6 Pages: 130

Marco De Michielis, Elena Ferraro, Marco Fanciulli

Coherence Time of a Semiconductor Hybrid Qubit in Presence of Environmental Noises

APS March Meeting Abstracts [], Volume: 2018 Pages: H28. 009

E Ferraro, M Fanciulli, M De Michielis

Controlled-NOT gate sequences for mixed spin qubit architectures in a noisy environment

Quantum Information Processing [Springer US], Volume: 16 Issue: 11 Pages: 277

Elena Ferraro, Marco Fanciulli, Marco De Michielis

Controlled-NOT gate sequences for mixed spin qubit architectures in a noisy environment

Quantum Information Processing [Springer US], Volume: 16 Issue: 11 Pages: 1-21

Elena Ferraro, Marco Fanciulli, Marco De Michielis

CNOT sequences for heterogeneous spin qubit architectures in a noisy environment

APS March Meeting Abstracts [], Volume: 2017 Pages: C42. 004

Vittorio Basso, Elena Ferraro, Marco Piazzi

Publisher's Note: Thermodynamic transport theory of spin waves in ferromagnetic insulators [Phys. Rev. B 94, 144422 (2016)]

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 94 Issue: 17 Pages: 179907

Vittorio Basso, Elena Ferraro, Alessandro Magni, Alessandro Sola, Michaela Kuepferling, Massimo Pasquale

Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of the spin Seebeck and spin Peltier effects

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 93 Issue: 18 Pages: 184421

Davide Rotta, Marco De Michielis, Elena Ferraro, Marco Fanciulli, Enrico Prati

Maximum density of quantum information in a scalable CMOS implementation of the hybrid qubit architecture

Quantum Information Processing Topical Collection [],

Vittorio Basso, Elena Ferraro, Marco Piazzi

Thermodynamic transport theory of spin waves in ferromagnetic insulators

Physical Review B [], Volume: 94 Pages: 144422

E Ferraro, M De Michielis, M Fanciulli, E Prati

Coherent tunneling by adiabatic passage of an exchange-only spin qubit in a double quantum dot chain

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 91 Issue: 7 Pages: 075435

Marco De Michielis, Elena Ferraro, Marco Fanciulli, Enrico Prati

Universal set of quantum gates for double-dot exchange-only spin qubits with intradot coupling

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical [IOP Publishing], Volume: 48 Issue: 6 Pages: 065304

Elena Ferraro, Marco De Michielis, Marco Fanciulli, Enrico Prati

Effective Hamiltonian for two interacting double-dot exchange-only qubits and their controlled-NOT operations

Quantum Information Processing [Springer US], Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Pages: 47-65

Vittorio Basso, Elena Ferraro, Alessandro Sola, Alessandro Magni, Michaela Kuepferling, Massimo Pasquale

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect

Physics Procedia [Elsevier], Volume: 75 Pages: 939-947

Elena Ferraro, Marco De Michielis, Giovanni Mazzeo, Marco Fanciulli, Enrico Prati

Effective Hamiltonian for the hybrid double quantum dot qubit

Quantum information processing [Springer US], Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Pages: 1155-1173

Marco De Michielis, Elena Ferraro, Davide Rotta, Giovanni Mazzeo, Marco Tagliaferri, Alessandro Crippa, Marco Fanciulli, Enrico Prati

Universal Set of Quantum Gates for Double-Dot Exchange-Only Spin Qubits Under Realistic Conditions

APS March Meeting Abstracts [], Volume: 2014 Pages: J36. 010

Conor Hogan, Elena Ferraro, Niall McAlinden, John F McGilp

Optical fingerprints of Si honeycomb chains and atomic gold wires on the Si (111)-(5× 2)-Au surface

Physical review letters [American Physical Society], Volume: 111 Issue: 8 Pages: 087401

J.F. Hogan, C., Ferraro, E., McAlinden, N., McGilp

Optical fingerprints of si honeycomb chains and atomic gold wires on the Si(111)-(5×2)-Au surface

Physical Review Letters [], Volume: 111 Issue: 8 Pages: 087401

Elena Ferraro, Conor Hogan, Maurizia Palummo, Rodolfo Del Sole

Optical properties of the long‐range Si (110)‐(16× 2) reconstruction from first principles

physica status solidi (b) [WILEY‐VCH Verlag], Volume: 249 Issue: 6 Pages: 1148-1154

M Scala, E Ferraro, A Napoli, A Messina, LL Sánchez-Soto, R Migliore

Dissipative dynamics of two coupled qubits: a short review of some recent results

Optics and Spectroscopy [SP MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica], Volume: 111 Issue: 4 Pages: 553

P Aceto, E Ferraro, I Marusco, M Mecarello, G Privitera, L Sollazzi

Lower surgical stress-induced prolactin release with desflurane versus sevoflurane

European Journal of Anaesthesiology [], Volume: 28

E Ferraro, HP Breuer, A Napoli, A Messina

Effective Hamiltonian approach to the non-Markovian dynamics in a spin bath

Physica Scripta [IOP Publishing], Volume: 2010 Issue: T140 Pages: 014021

E Ferraro, M Scala, R Migliore, A Napoli

On the validity of non-Markovian master equation approaches for the entanglement dynamics of two-qubit systems

Physica Scripta [IOP Publishing], Volume: 2010 Issue: T140 Pages: 014042

Elena Ferraro, Antonino Messina, AG Nikitin

Exactly solvable relativistic model with the anomalous interaction

Physical Review A [American Physical Society], Volume: 81 Issue: 4 Pages: 042108

Elena Ferraro

Spin systems in fermionic and bosonic environments

Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche ed Astronomiche, Universita degli Studi di Palermo [],

I Sinayskiy, E Ferraro, A Napoli, A Messina, F Petruccione

Non-Markovian dynamics of an interacting qubit pair coupled to two independent bosonic baths

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical [IOP Publishing], Volume: 42 Issue: 48 Pages: 485301

E Ferraro, M Scala, R Migliore, A Napoli

Non-Markovian dissipative dynamics of two coupled qubits in independent reservoirs: Comparison between exact solutions and master-equation approaches

Physical Review A [American Physical Society], Volume: 80 Issue: 4 Pages: 042112

E Ferraro, A Napoli, M Guccione, A Messina

Entanglement sudden death and sudden birth in two uncoupled spins

Physica Scripta [IOP Publishing], Volume: 2009 Issue: T135 Pages: 014032

MA Jivulescu, E Ferraro, A Napoli, A Messina

Exact dynamics of XX central spin models

Physica Scripta [IOP Publishing], Volume: 2009 Issue: T135 Pages: 014049

Antonino Messina, Elena Ferraro, Anna Napoli, Maria Anastasia Jivulescu

Dynamical behavior of a XX central spin model through Bethe ansatz techniques

Reports on Mathematical Physics [Elsevier Limited], Volume: 2009

MA Jivulescu, E Ferraro, A Napoli, A Messina

Dynamical behaviour of an XX central spin model through Bethe ansatz techniques

Reports on Mathematical Physics [], Volume: 1 Issue: 64 Pages: 315-327

E Ferraro, H-P Breuer, A Napoli, MA Jivulescu, A Messina

Non-Markovian dynamics of a single electron spin coupled to a nuclear spin bath

Physical Review B [American Physical Society], Volume: 78 Issue: 6 Pages: 064309

E Ferraro, A Napoli, MA Jivulescu, A Messina

W-like states of N uncoupled spins frac {familyseriesfontsize {11 {12} selectfont 1}}{familyseriesfontsize {11 {12} selectfont 2}}

European Physical Journal Special Topics [], Volume: 160 Pages: 157-164

ELENA Ferraro, A Napoli, MA Jivulescu, A Messina

W-like states of N uncoupled spins 1/2

The European Physical Journal Special Topics [EDP Sciences], Volume: 160 Issue: 1 Pages: 157-164

ELENA Ferraro, A Napoli, MA Jivulescu, A Messina

W-like states of N uncoupled spins 1/2

The European Physical Journal Special Topics [EDP Sciences], Volume: 160 Issue: 1 Pages: 157-164

Antonino Messina, Elena Ferraro, Anna Napoli, Maria Anastasia Jivulescu

W-like states of N uncoupled spins 1/2


E Ferraro, A Napoli, MA Jivulescu, A Messina

W-like states of uncoupled spins

European Physical Journal-Special Topics [], Volume: 160 Issue: 1 Pages: 157

E Ferraro, A Napoli, MA Jivulescu, A Messina

W-like states of Formula Not Shown uncoupled spins Formula Not Shown


E Ferraro, A Napoli, MA Jivulescu, A Messina

W-like states of N uncoupled spins

arXiv preprint arXiv:0801.3391 [],

E Ferraro, A Napoli, M Jivulescu, A Messina

W-like states of N uncoupled spins (Formula: see text (Formula: see text

European Physical Journal-Special Topics [], Volume: 160 Pages: 157

E Ferraro, A Napoli, A Messina

FAST TRACK COMMUNICATION: A criterion for entanglement in two two-level systems

Journal of Physics A Mathematical General [], Volume: 40 Issue: 43 Pages: F935-F941

Elena Ferraro, Anna Napoli, Antonino Messina

A criterion for entanglement in two two-level systems

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical [IOP], Volume: 40 Issue: 43 Pages: F935–F941

Elena Ferraro, Marco Fanciulli, Marco De Michielis

Non-Ideal X-Gate and Z-Gate in Semiconducting Spin Qubit Implementations

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings [], Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 53

E Ferraro, A Napoli, A Messina

Entanglement dynamics in a spin star system

2009 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks [IEEE], Pages: 1-1

G Dibella, R Scalisi, D D'Angelo, G Antista, S Miraglia, E Ferraro, G Fodale, L DOMINGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, M Belvedere, M Barbagallo


54o Congresso Nazionale SIGG [Pacini], Volume: 57 Pages: 441-441

G Antista, S Miraglia, G Dibella, R Scalisi, D D’Angelo, E Ferraro, L DOMINGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, M Belvedere, M Barbagallo


54o Congresso Nazionale SIGG [Pacini], Volume: 57 Pages: 395-396

E Ferraro, H-P Breuer, A Napoli, M Guccione, A Messina

Non-Markovian master equation for the XX central spin model

2008 2nd ICTON Mediterranean Winter [IEEE], Pages: 1-4

M Belvedere, A Ferlisi, A LO BUE, A Giunta, E Ferraro, G Di Bella, L DOMINGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, M Barbagallo

Ambiente e anziano: la domotica come ausilio per disabili e anziani

51° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria [], Pages: 465-465