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+39 06 4993 4541

Emanuela PROIETTI received the degree in Electronic Engineering in 1996. From 1996 to 2000 she worked as Clean Room Lead Engineer in Texas Instruments Italia, Avezzano semiconductor plant. In 2000 she joined the ALCATEL Italia, Rieti plant as Maintenance Director for Surface Mount Technology assembly production equipments. In 2001 she joined IMM-Rome as Research Engineer. From 2005 to 2014 she has been the Clean Room Area coordinator of IMM-Roma institute. In 2010 she spent one month in the Prof. Peter H. Siegel's group, CalTech and JPL in Pasadena, to study the SAR of tissue exposed to low power millimeter radiation by the project "Biological Impact and mechanism of Low Intensity Millimeter Wave Interaction with tissue" funded by Short term Mobility Program. She has been the coordinator of a "Great Relevance" joint research projects "Metamaterial Based Microwave ComunicationTechnologies" co-funded by Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, General Directorate for Country Cultural Promotion in the context of the “Executive Protocol of Cooperation between Italy and Hungary for the years 2011-2013. In 2012-2016 she has been involved in two European Commission FP7 research projects:
FP7-NMP-20II-SME-5 "V-SMMART - Nano Volumetric Scanning Microwave Microscopy Analytical and Research Tool for Nanotechnology" and FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN "Nanomicrowave - Microwave Nanotechnology for Semiconductor and Life Sciences" on Scanning Microwave Microscopy-SMM.
In 2016-2018 she has been the coordinator of the Great Relevance project "Design and Test of Micro-fabricated microwave probes for magnetic materials characterization" co-funded by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Directorate for Country Cultural Promotion in the context of the “Executive Protocol of Cooperation between Italy and and the United States for the years 2016-2018". She is the coordinator of ADRIANA National Italian Program (Grant number 15364 Regione Lazio), to investigate microwave imaging as preserving and monitoring tool for cultural heritage artworks. Her current scientific interests cover RF-MEMS devices, polymeric based RF devices and membrane and metastructured devices for microwave.


Scientific Productions

ME Rizou, R Marcelli, G Capoccia, E Proietti

Non-destructive microwave techniques for the quantification and elimination of moisture in cultural heritage monuments

Journal of Cultural Heritage [Elsevier Masson], Volume: 67 Pages: 270-276

Maria Grazia Chiappini, Emanuela Proietti, Valentina Vaiarello, Lina Muzi, Daniela Palazzetti, Camillo Tancredi Strizzi, Francesco Pesce

# 2757 Clinical course and prognostic factors in amyloidosis

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [Oxford University Press], Volume: 39 Issue: Supplement_1 Pages: gfae069-0573-2757

Romolo Marcelli, Andrea Lucibello, Emanuela Proietti, Takuro Koike

Coupled Micromachined Magnetic Resonators for Microwave Signal Processing

Micromachines [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Pages: 259

Romolo Marcelli, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Capoccia, Jacopo Iannacci, Girolamo Tagliapietra, Flavio Giacomozzi

MEMS-Switched Triangular and U-Shaped Band-Stop Resonators for K-Band Operation

Sensors [MDPI], Volume: 23 Issue: 19 Pages: 8339

Romolo Marcelli, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Capoccia, Jacopo Iannacci, Girolamo Tagliapietra, Flavio Giacomozzi

Triangular Sierpinski Microwave Band-Stop Resonators for K-Band Filtering

Sensors [MDPI], Volume: 23 Issue: 19 Pages: 8125

CH Joseph, Giovanni Capoccia, Andrea Lucibello, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Romolo Marcelli

Fabrication of Ultra-Sharp Tips by Dynamic Chemical Etching Process for Scanning Near-Field Microwave Microscopy

Sensors [MDPI], Volume: 23 Issue: 6 Pages: 3360

Flavio Giacomozzi, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Capoccia, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Jacopo Iannacci, Girolamo Tagliapietra, Benno Margesin, Romolo Marcelli

Design of U-Shaped Frequency Tunable Microwave Filters in MEMS Technology

Sensors [MDPI], Volume: 23 Issue: 1 Pages: 466

R Marcelli, G Capoccia, GM Sardi, G Bartolucci, B Margesin, J Iannacci, G Tagliapietra, F Giacomozzi, E Proietti

Metamaterials based RF microsystems for telecommunication applications

Ceramics International [Elsevier],

Giovanni Maria Sardi, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Capoccia, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Sergio di Nardo, Marziale Feudale, Romolo Marcelli

Analysis of dielectric constant behavior of thermally treated SU-8 up to 18 GHz

Materials Research Bulletin [Pergamon], Pages: 111755

Christopher Hardly Joseph, Georg Gramse, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Gavin W Morley, Ferry Kienberger, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Romolo Marcelli

Local Characterization of Ferromagnetic Resonance in Bulk and Patterned Magnetic Materials using Scanning Microwave Microscopy

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement [IEEE], Volume: 71 Pages: 1-11

Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Capoccia, Romolo Marcelli, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Francesca Mastrangeli, Barbara Caponera, Mara Bernabei

A tomograph prototype for microwave imaging applied to cultural heritage: Preliminary experimental results

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 2416 Issue: 1

Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Capoccia, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Francesca Mastrangeli, Barbara Caponera, Romolo Marcelli

Near field microwave spectroscopy for monitoring the bio-inclusions in the deterioration of cultural heritage monuments

AIP Conference Proceedings [AIP Publishing], Volume: 2416 Issue: 1

Marco Luigetti, Valeria Guglielmino, Giovanni Antonini, Carlo Casali, Marco Ceccanti, Maria Grazia Chiappini, Laura De Giglio, Vincenzo Di Lazzaro, Antonio Di Muzio, Mariangela Goglia, Maurizio Inghilleri, Luca Leonardi, Roberto Massa, Elena Maria Pennisi, Antonio Petrucci, Emanuela Proietti, Marianna Rispoli, Mario Sabatelli, Marco Di Girolamo

ATTRv in Lazio-Italy: A High-Prevalence Region in a Non-Endemic Country

Genes [Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute], Volume: 12 Issue: 6 Pages: 829

Martino Aldrigo, Alina Cismaru, Mircea Dragoman, Sergiu Iordanescu, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Romolo Marcelli

Amplitude and Phase Tuning of Microwave Signals in Magnetically Biased Permalloy Structures

IEEE Access [IEEE], Volume: 8 Pages: 190843-190854

A Persano, P Siciliano, F Quaranta, A Taurino, A Lucibello, Romolo Marcelli, G Capoccia, E Proietti, A Bagolini, J Iannacci

Wafer-level micropackaging in thin film technology for RF MEMS applications

Microsystem Technologies [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 24 Issue: 1 Pages: 575-585

Giovanni Maria Sardi, Andrea Lucibello, Francesco Cursi, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli

A microfluidic sensor in coplanar waveguide configuration for localized micrometric liquid spectroscopy in microwaves regime

Microsystem Technologies [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Pages: 1-11

A Persano, P Siciliano, F Quaranta, A Taurino, A Lucibello, Romolo Marcelli, G Capoccia, E Proietti, Alvise Bagolini, Jacopo Iannacci

Wafer-level micropackaging in thin film technology for RF MEMS applications

Microsystem Technologies [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 24 Pages: 575-585

Andrea Lucibello, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Giancarlo Bartolucci

Narrow-band filtering by means of triangular meta-material resonators based on RF MEMS cantilevers in CPW configuration

Microsystem Technologies [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 23 Pages: 3955-3967

Andrea Lucibello, Christopher Hardly Joseph, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Giovanni Capoccia, Romolo Marcelli

Transmission microwave spectroscopy for local characterization of dielectric materials

Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B [AIP Publishing], Volume: 35 Issue: 1

CH Joseph, GM Sardi, SS Tuca, G Gramse, A Lucibello, E Proietti, F Kienberger, R Marcelli

Scanning microwave microscopy technique for nanoscale characterization of magnetic materials

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials [North-Holland], Volume: 420 Pages: 62-69

Anna Persano, Fabio Quaranta, Giovanni Capoccia, Emanuela Proietti, Andrea Lucibello, Romolo Marcelli, Alvise Bagolini, Jacopo Iannacci, Antonietta Taurino, Pietro Siciliano

Influence of design and fabrication on RF performance of capacitive RF MEMS switches

Microsystem Technologies [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 22 Pages: 1741-1746

L Michalas, E Brinciotti, A Lucibello, G Gramse, CH Joseph, F Kienberger, E Proietti, R Marcelli

De-embedding techniques for nanoscale characterization of semiconductors by scanning microwave microscopy

Microelectronic Engineering [Elsevier], Volume: 159 Pages: 64-69

Andrea Lucibello, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Giovanni Capoccia, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Manuel Kasper, Georg Gramse, Ferry Kienberger

A broadband toolbox for scanning microwave microscopy transmission measurements

Review of Scientific Instruments [AIP Publishing], Volume: 87 Issue: 5

Andrea Lucibello, Giovanni Capoccia, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Benno Margesin, Viviana Mulloni, Flavio Giacomozzi, Francesco Vitulli, Michela Scipioni, Giancarlo Bartolucci

Reliable response of RF MEMS LTCC packaged switches after mechanical and thermal stress

Microsystem Technologies [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 22 Pages: 495-501

Giancarlo Bartolucci, Giorgio De Angelis, Andrea Lucibello, Romolo Marcelli, Emanuela Proietti

The Image Phase Approach for the Design of RF MEMS Shunt Switches

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C [EMW Publishing], Volume: 63 Pages: 173-182

Andrea Lucibello, Romolo Marcelli, Emanuela Proietti, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Viviana Mulloni, Benno Margesin

Reliability of RF MEMS capacitive and ohmic switches for space redundancy configurations

Microsystem Technologies [Springer Berlin Heidelberg], Volume: 21 Pages: 1903-1913

Giancarlo Bartolucci, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Romolo Marcelli, Emanuela Proietti, Andrea Lucibello, Endri Stoja, Fabrizio Frezza

Modeling of a metallic truncated cone for electromagnetic capacitive sensors

Journal of Applied Physics [AIP Publishing], Volume: 118 Issue: 7

GM Sardi, A Lucibello, M Kasper, G Gramse, E Proietti, F Kienberger, R Marcelli

Optimization of the imaging response of scanning microwave microscopy measurements

Applied Physics Letters [AIP Publishing], Volume: 107 Issue: 3

Maria Grazia Chiappini, Thomas Ammann, Emanuela Proietti, Patrizio Pasqualetti, Alessandra Grosso


Nephrology Dialysis Transplanation [Oxford University Press], Volume: 30 Issue: suppl_3 Pages: iii346-iii347

A Junghans, R Chellappa, P Wang, J Majewski, G Luciano, R Marcelli, E Proietti

Neutron reflectometry studies of aluminum–saline water interface under hydrostatic pressure

Corrosion Science [Pergamon], Volume: 90 Pages: 101-106

AO Oladipo, A Lucibello, M Kasper, S Lavdas, GM Sardi, E Proietti, F Kienberger, R Marcelli, NC Panoiu

Analysis of a transmission mode scanning microwave microscope for subsurface imaging at the nanoscale

Applied Physics Letters [AIP Publishing], Volume: 105 Issue: 13

Giorgina Barbara Piccoli, Gianfranca Cabiddu, Giuseppe Daidone, Gabriella Guzzo, Stefania Maxia, Ida Ciniglio, Valentina Postorino, Valentina Loi, Sara Ghiotto, Michele Nichelatti, Rossella Attini, Alessandra Coscia, Maurizio Postorino, Antonello Pani, Italian Study Group “Kidney and Pregnancy”, Santina Castellino, Giuseppe Gernone, Santo Calabria, Marco Galliani, Massimo di Tullio, Salvatore Fersini, Maria Grazia Chiappini, Emanuela Proietti, Stefano Saffiotti, Chiara Brunati, Alberto Montoli, Ciro Esposito, Giovanni Montagna, Tata Salvatore, Ottavio Amatruda, Erika Casiraghi, Federico Pieruzzi, Attilio Di Benedetto, Giuseppina Alfisi, Buskermolen Monique, Alessandro Leveque, Francesco Giofrè, Giovanni Alati, Luigi Lombardi

The children of dialysis: live-born babies from on-dialysis mothers in Italy—an epidemiological perspective comparing dialysis, kidney transplantation and the overall...

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [Oxford University Press], Volume: 29 Issue: 8 Pages: 1578-1586

Andrea Lucibello, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Giancarlo Bartolucci

Smoothing and surface planarization of sacrificial layers in MEMS technology

Microsystem technologies [Springer-Verlag], Volume: 19 Pages: 845-851

Romolo Marcelli, Emanuela Proietti, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Andrea Lucibello, Giorgio De Angelis, Gianluca Muzi, Janos Solymosi

Design of single and coupled microwave meta-material resonators in microsystem technology

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing [Springer US], Volume: 75 Pages: 407-415

Andrea Lucibello, Emanuela Proietti, Flavio Giacomozzi, Romolo Marcelli, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Giorgio De Angelis

RF MEMS switches fabrication by using SU-8 technology

Microsystem technologies [Springer-Verlag], Volume: 19 Issue: 6 Pages: 929-936

Romolo Marcelli, Emanuela Proietti, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Andrea Lucibello, Giorgio De Angelis, Gianluca Muzi, Janos Solymosi

Design and Optimization of Microwave Triangular Meta-material Resonators in Coplanar Configuration

Advances in Science and Technology [Trans Tech Publications Ltd], Volume: 77 Pages: 231-236

G Bartolucci, G De Angelis, A Lucibello, R Marcelli, E Proietti

Analytic modeling of RF MEMS shunt connected capacitive switches

Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications [Routledge], Volume: 26 Issue: 8-9 Pages: 1168-1179

G De Angelis, A Lucibello, E Proietti, R Marcelli, G Bartolucci

Design and technology of micro-machined coplanar grounded wave-guides

IET microwaves, antennas & propagation [IET Digital Library], Volume: 6 Issue: 5 Pages: 497-504

Romolo Marcelli, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Giorgio De Angelis, Andrea Lucibello, Emanuela Proietti

Modulation instability in RF MEMS devices

Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing [Springer US], Volume: 71 Pages: 59-67

Romolo Marcelli, Daniele Comastri, Andrea Lucibello, Giorgio De Angelis, Emanuela Proietti, Giancarlo Bartolucci

Dynamics of RF micro-mechanical capacitive shunt switches in coplanar waveguide configuration

Microelectromechanical systems and devices [InTech], Volume: 10 Pages: 28251

Giorgio de Angelis, Andrea Lucibello, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Federico Casini, Paola Farinelli, Giovanni Mannocchi, Sergio Di Nardo, Daniele Pochesci, Benno Margesin, Flavio Giacomozzi, Olivier Vendier, Taeyoung Kim, Larissa Vietzorreck

RF MEMS ohmic switches for matrix configurations

International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies [], Volume: 4 Issue: 04 Pages: 421-433

Giorgio De Angelis, Andrea Lucibello, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Daniele Pochesci, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Mircea Dragoman, Daniela Dragoman

Microwave inter-connections and switching by means of carbon nano-tubes

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology [InTech], Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Pages: 64-77

Giorgio De Angelis, Andrea Lucibello, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Daniele Pochesci, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Mircea Dragoman, Daniela Dragoman

Microwave Inter-Connections and Switching by means of Carbon Nano-tubes Review article


Romolo Marcelli, Giancarlo Bartolucci, George Papaioannu, Giorgio De Angelis, Andrea Lucibello, Emanuela Proietti, Benno Margesin, Flavio Giacomozzi, François Deborgies

Reliability of RF MEMS switches due to charging effects and their circuital modelling

Microsystem technologies [Springer-Verlag], Volume: 16 Pages: 1111-1118

Romolo Marcelli, Andrea Lucibello, Giorgio De Angelis, Emanuela Proietti, Daniele Comastri

Mechanical modelling of capacitive RF MEMS shunt switches

Microsystem technologies [Springer-Verlag], Volume: 16 Pages: 1057-1064

Romolo Marcelli, George Papaioannu, Simone Catoni, Giorgio De Angelis, Andrea Lucibello, Emanuela Proietti, Benno Margesin, Flavio Giacomozzi, François Deborgies

Dielectric charging in microwave microelectromechanical Ohmic series and capacitive shunt switches

Journal of Applied Physics [AIP Publishing], Volume: 105 Issue: 11

Andrea Lucibello, Giorgio De Angelis, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Giancarlo Bartolucci

Design Technology and Test of Micro-Machined Coplanar Grounded Wave-Guides on Si Substrates

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [], Volume: 12 Issue: 3 Pages: 366-375

A Lucibello, G De Angelis, M Maiani, E Proietti, R Marcelli

SU-8 based processes for the realization of RF MEMS structures

Proceedings 10th International Symposium on RF MEMS and RF Microsystems, Povo, Trento, Italy [], Pages: 93-96

E Zampetti, S Pantalei, A Macagnano, E Proietti, C Di Natale, A D’amico

Use of a multiplexed oscillator in a miniaturized electronic nose based on a multichannel quartz crystal microbalance

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical [Elsevier], Volume: 131 Issue: 1 Pages: 159-166

Sandro Mazzaferro, Daniele Diacinti, Emanuela Proietti, Giusi Barresi, Matteo Baldinelli, Daniela Pisani, Emilio D'Erasmo, Francesco Pugliese

Morphometric X-ray absorptiometry in the assessment of vertebral fractures in renal transplant patients

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [Oxford University Press], Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Pages: 466-471

Sandro Mazzaferro, Daniele Diacinti, Emanuela Proietti, Giusi Barresi, Matteo Baldinelli, Daniela Pisani, Emilio D'Erasmo, Francesco Pugliese

Morphometric X-ray absorptiometry in the assessment of vertebral fractures in renal transplant patients

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation [Oxford University Press], Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Pages: 466-471

S Mazzaferro, E Proietti, J Carbone, D Sardella, M Baldinelli, G Barresi, K Lanciotti, G Otranto, F Pugliese

Coronary calcifications and serum levels of osteoprotegerin (OPG) matrix Gla protein (MPG) and FETUIN-A (F) in renal transplantation (RTX)

Clinical cases in mineral and bone metabolism [CIC Edizioni internazionali], Volume: 3 Issue: 3 Pages: 221-221

Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Capoccia, Romolo Marcelli, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Barbara Caponera

Microwave Imaging Applied to Noninvasive Diagnostic of Cultural Heritage Artworks

International Conference Florence Heri-Tech: the Future of Heritage Science and Technologies [Springer, Cham], Pages: 392-400

Flavio Giacomozzi, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Capoccia, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Jacopo Iannacci, Benno Margesin, Romolo Marcelli

U-shaped MEMS tunable microwave resonators

2022 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP) [IEEE], Pages: 1-5

Alina Cismaru, Martino Aldrigo, Sergiu Iordanescu, Catalin Parvulescu, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Sardi, Romolo Marcelli

EMBG Magnetostatic Wave Band Stop Resonators

2019 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP) [IEEE], Pages: 1-5

Alina Cismaru, Martino Aldrigo, Sergiu Iordanescu, Catalin Parvulescu, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Sardi, Romolo Marcelli

EMBG Magnetostatic Wave Band Stop Resonators

2019 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP) [IEEE], Pages: 1-5

Giovanni Capoccia, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Romolo Marcelli, Emanuela Proietti

Near field microwave microscopy for MEMS and micro-electronic device characterization

2018 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP) [IEEE], Pages: 1-4

Romolo Marcelli, Andrea Lucibello, Giovanni Capoccia, Emanuela Proietti, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Hardly Joseph Christopher, Loukas Michalas, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Ferry Kienberger, Georg Gramse, Manuel Kasper

Near-field microwave techniques for micro-and nano-scale characterization in materials science

2017 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS) [IEEE], Pages: 29-36

Andrea Lucibello, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Francesco Cursi

A coplanar waveguide microfluidic sensor for a micrometric local spectroscopy of liquid solutions

2017 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP) [IEEE], Pages: 1-4

Andrea Lucibello, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Giancarlo Bartolucci

Microwave broadband characterization of aging of SU-8 polymer as CPW substrate

2017 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP) [IEEE], Pages: 1-4

A. Lucibello, E. Proietti, G. M. Sardi, G. Capoccia, C. H. Joseph, R. Marcelli

Transmission Microwave Spectroscopy of Dielectric Materials

WODIM 2016 [],

A Persano, P Siciliano, F Quaranta, A Lucibello, R Marcelli, G Capoccia, E Proietti, A Bagolini, J Iannacci

Wafer-level thin film micropackaging for RF MEMS applications

2016 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP) [IEEE], Pages: 1-5

Maria Grazia Chiappini, Marco Di Girolamo, Lina Muzi, Emanuela Proietti, Patrizio Pasqualetti, Ilaria Simonelli, Alessandra Grosso



L Michalas, A Lucibello, G Badino, CH Joseph, E Brinciotti, F Kienberger, E Proietti, R Marcelli

Scanning microwave microscopy for nanoscale characterization of semiconductors: De-embedding reflection contact mode measurements

2015 European Microwave Conference (EuMC) [IEEE], Pages: 159-162

Pablo F Medina, Andrea Lucibello, Georg Gramse, Enrico Brinciotti, Manuel Kasper, AO Oladipo, Reinhard Feger, Andreas Stelzer, Hassan Tanbakuchi, Roger Stancliff, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Ferry Kienberger

Transmission and reflection mode scanning microwave microscopy (SMM): experiments, calibration, and simulations

2015 European Microwave Conference (EuMC) [IEEE], Pages: 654-657

P Lorenzi, Rosario Rao, G Romano, A Kita, M Serpa, F Filesi, F Irrera, M Bologna, A Suppa, Alfredo Berardelli

Proceedings-2015 6th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces, IWASI 2015

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [],

Giampiero De Cesare, Domenico Caputo, Augusto Nascetti

Proceedings-2015 6th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces, IWASI 2015

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. [],

Paolo Lorenzi, Rosario Rao, Giulio Romano, Ardian Kita, Martin Serpa, Federico Filesi, Fernanda Irrera, Matteo Bologna, Antonio Suppa, Alfredo Berardelli

Smart sensors for the recognition of specific human motion disorders in Parkinson's disease

2015 6th International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces (IWASI) [IEEE], Pages: 131-136

P Lorenzi, R Rao, G Romano, A Kita, M Serpa, F Filesi, F Irrera, M Bologna, A Suppa, A Berardelli

Smart sensors for the recognition of specific human motion disorders in Parkinson's disease

Advances in Sensors and Interfaces (IWASI), 2015 6th IEEE International Workshop on [IEEE], Pages: 131-136

Giancarlo Bartolucci, Giovanni Maria Sardi, Romolo Marcelli, Emanuela Proietti, Andrea Lucibello, Endri Stoja, Fabrizio Frezza

Analytical evaluation of the capacitance of a conical sensor for micro-nano imaging techniques

2015 6th International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces (IWASI) [IEEE], Pages: 283-287

Fabio Quaranta, Anna Persano, Giovanni Capoccia, Antonietta Taurino, Adriano Cola, Pietro Siciliano, Andrea Lucibello, Romolo Marcelli, Emanuela Proietti, Alvise Bagolini, Benno Margesin, Pierluigi Bellutti, Jacopo Iannacci

Tailoring design and fabrication of capacitive RF MEMS switches for K-band applications

Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS VII; and Cyber Physical Systems [SPIE], Volume: 9517 Pages: 183-190

L Michalas, A Lucibello, CH Joseph, E Brinciotti, F Kienberger, E Proietti, R Marcelli

Nanoscale characterization of MOS systems by microwaves: Dopant profiling calibration

EUROSOI-ULIS 2015: 2015 Joint International EUROSOI Workshop and International Conference on Ultimate Integration on Silicon [IEEE], Pages: 269-272

G Bartolucci, G De Angelis, A Lucibello, R Marcelli, E Proietti

An innovative procedure for the synthesis of MEMS capacitive switches

2014 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS) [IEEE], Pages: 175-178

A Lucibello, E Proietti, R Marcelli, G Bartolucci, G De Angelis

Analytic design method for distributed RF MEMS phase shifters

2014 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP) [IEEE], Pages: 1-3

Giancarlo Bartolucci, Giorgio De Angelis, Andrea Lucibello, Romolo Marcelli, Emanuela Proietti

An analytic approach for the synthesis of RF MEMS capacitive switches

2013 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP) [IEEE], Pages: 1-4

Stefan Simion, Romolo Marcelli, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Emanuela Proietti, Giorgio De Angelis, Andrea Lucibello

Design optimization of meta-material transmission lines for linear and non-linear microwave signal processing

35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves [IEEE], Pages: 1-2

F Casini, G De Angelis, S Di Nardo, P Farinelli, F Giacomozzi, A Lucibello, G Mannocchi, R Marcelli, B Margesin, E Proietti, O Vendier, L Vietzorreck

RF MEMS ohmic switches for matrix configurations

Proc. of MEMSWAVE 2010, Otranto, Italy [],

Andrea Lucibello, Giorgio De Angelis, Emanuela Proietti, Romolo Marcelli, Giancarlo Bartolucci

Technology and test of coplanar grounded wave-guides on micro-machined Si wafers

2008 International Semiconductor Conference [IEEE], Volume: 1 Pages: 219-222

A Lucibello, E Proietti, S Catoni, L Frenguelli, R Marcelli, G Bartolucci

RF MEMS switches supported by polymeric structures

2007 International Semiconductor Conference [IEEE], Volume: 1 Pages: 259-262

A Persano, A Lucibello, R Marcelli, G Capoccia, E Proietti, Alvise Bagolini, Jacopo Iannacci, MC Martucci, A Campa, A Taurino, P Siciliano, F Quaranta

Wafer-level thin film micropackaging for MEMS devices

Proc. of Sensing for Smart Anything Everywhere: Materials, Technologies, Applications (ISOCS-MiNaB-ICT-MNBS)) [ITA], Pages: 1-2

Romolo Marcelli, Andrea Lucibello, Giorgio De Angelis, Emanuela Proietti, George Papaioannou, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Flavio Giacomozzi, Benno Margesin

Characterization and modeling of charging effects in dielectrics for the actuation of RF MEMS ohmic series and capacitive shunt switches

Microelectromechanical Systems and Devices [InTech], Pages: 233-268

Romolo Marcelli, Giancarlo Bartolucci, Emanuela Proietti, Giorgio De Angelis, Andrea Lucibello, Flavio Giacomozzi, Benno Margesin

Microwave microsystems: Technology and modeling of RF MEMS switches and related applications

Advanced Techniques for Microwave Systems [Research Signpost], Pages: 181-204

R Marcelli, E Proietti, A Lucibello, E De Angelis, G Bartolucci, F Quaranta, C Martucci, A Persano, G Mannocchi, S Di Nardo, D Pochesci, Benno Margesin, Flavio Giacomozzi, F Casini, Paola Farinelli

Reliable RF microsystem technologies for space applications

Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on RF MEMS and RF Microsystems, MEMSWAVE 2010 [],



Sensors And Microsystems [], Pages: 321-328



Sensors And Microsystems [], Pages: 321-328



Sensors And Microsystems [], Pages: 239-244