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We investigate the impact of a quasi-crystalline two-dimensional (2D) surface on the lateral epitaxy of one-dimensional (1D) nanocrystals. The quasi-2D surface was formed by locally conditioning a GaN crystalline lattice at and below surface using a low-dose focused Ga ion beam ranging from 9 to 354 ions/pulse. Short ion pulses/site are used to create the 2D arrays of sub-10-nm circular disks modulating the GaN lattice to a depth of about 30 nm. Impact of this localized lattice modulation was investigated on lateral epitaxy of 1D ZnO nanocrystal and electronic structure of formed heterojunctions. High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) below the GaN surface reveals direct evidence of a “skin effect” that influences the surface epitaxy of low-dimensional nanocrystals. We define this effect as the crystallinity of the top 10 nm of the substrate that is found to be a key factor in occurrence of lateral …
American Chemical Society
Publication date: 
13 Jul 2017

Elias Garratt, Paola Prete, Nico Lovergine, Babak Nikoobakht

Biblio References: 
Volume: 121 Issue: 27 Pages: 14845-14853
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C