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The Scleractinia coral biomineralization process is a representative example of a heterogeneous process of nucleation and growth of biogenic CaCO3 over a mineral phase. Indeed, even if the biomineralization process starts before settlement, the bulk formation of the skeleton takes place only when the larvae attach to a solid substrate, which can be Mg-calcite from coralline algae, and the following growth proceeds on the Mg-calcite surface of the formed baseplate of the planula. Despite this peculiarity and central role of the Mg-calcite substrate, the in vitro overgrowth of CaCO3 on single crystals of Mg-calcite, or calcite, in the presence of magnesium ions and the soluble organic matrix (SOM) extracted from coral skeletons has not been performed until now. In this study, the SOMs from Stylophora pistillata and Oculina patagonica skeletons were used in a set of overgrowth experiments. The overgrown CaCO3 was …
American Chemical Society
Publication date: 
18 Jul 2022

Tal Zaquin, Iddo Pinkas, Anna Paola Di Bisceglie, Angelica Mucaria, Silvia Milita, Simona Fermani, Stefano Goffredo, Tali Mass, Giuseppe Falini

Biblio References: 
Volume: 22 Issue: 8 Pages: 5045-5053
Crystal Growth & Design