The fourth Joint Conference of the Italian Crystallographic Association (AIC) and the Italian Synchrotron Radiation Society (SILS), which will be held in Trieste from 12 to 15 September 2022.

It will be a unique event, full of high-profile scientific content and for all a pleasant opportunity to meet, in presence, friends, colleagues and collaborators.

The Conference will be organized in four plenary lectures, thirteen micro-symposia with 26 keynote presentations, 39 oral communications and 39 flash talks and will host the Round Table "Horizon-Europe and the Future of Research Infrastructures: Next Generation of Scientific Instrumentation, Tools and Methods". Four E-poster sessions will also allow the presentation and discussion of scientific contributions. 


The four Plenary Lectures will be given by the following renowned scientists in the field:

Prof. Sharon Shwartz, Physics Department, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel

Prof. Simon Parsons, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, UK

Dr. Heike E. Riel, IBM Research Europe, Rüschlikon, Switzerland

Dr. Thomas R. Schneider, EMBL c/o DESY, Hamburg, Germany


Moreover, among the thirteen very interesting micro-symposia (MS) covering different topics from crystallography and crystal growth to synchrotron radiation applications to materials, the MS-11 focuses on “Interplay between Crystal Growth and Advanced Characterizations for Materials Development”.

It is co-chaired by Prof. Federico Boscherini, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna and Dr. Paola Prete, IMM-CNR Lecce. 

Also, MS-11 has two Keynote speakers:

Prof. Itztok Arčon, from University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia, and

Dr. Emanuele Pelucchi, from Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland. 


The Call for abstracts for the conference is now open!

Please visit the congress website to submit your contribution. 


Don’t miss this opportunity for presenting your research, submit your abstract now!


2022-09-12 to 2022-09-15