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The development of microsystems for telecommunications, and the related characterization techniques, has led to a growing demand on the feasibility of the technologies needed, especially when very different functionalities (electrical or electromagnetic, mechanical, chemical and physical) must be integrated into the same system. The definition of Smart System, coined to identify micro- and nano-systems characterized by a high integration of components and functions, fully meets these requirements. Purposes of this research activity are to develop basic technologies, advanced characterization techniques and measurement protocols for micro- and nano-systems working at microwave and millimeter waves, by means of:


  • identification of the criteria to optimize the technologies for different materials, even integrated into complex configurations (wafers of Si and GaAs, LTCC and LTCF, Rogers / Duroid, magnetic materials, photosensitive polymers like SU8, ...);
  • design and implementation of innovative components, mainly micro- and nano-antennas, resonators, micro-packaging solutions and micro-switches;
  • reliability protocols of micro- and nano-systems depending on their application, both for ground and space, for devices on-wafer and packaged.


TRL=4 can be obtained for the most part of the studied configurations.

POC: romolo.marcelli@artov.imm.cnr.it, emanuela.proietti@artov.imm.cnr.it, giovanni.sardi@artov.imm.cnr.it, giovanni.capoccia@artov.imm.cnr.it, bartolucci@eln.uniroma2.it
