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ENERGETIC - tecnologie per l'ENERGia e l'efficienza energETICa

Progetto PON02_00355_3391233 (Ricerca & Formazione)

Il progetto ENERGETIC affronta problematiche di tecnologia dei sistemi fotovoltaici e per l’efficienza energetica con un approccio ampio, su aspetti concernenti materiali, dispositivi, ICT.

Il progetto si focalizza su quattro...

PROPHET - Postgraduate Research On PHotonics as an Enabling Technology

Photonics, the generation and manipulation of light, is an important enabling technology for a diverse range of application areas; in 2006, the photonics industry in Europe accounted for revenues of €49 billion. PROPHET (Postgraduate Research on Photonics as an Enabling Technology) is an Initial...




MABIOSKit - “Matrici di biosensori a trasduzione elettrica su pellicole polimeriche per kit diagnostici e monitoraggio terapeutico di malattie oftalmiche”, is a three years regional project coordinated by Fondazione Bietti. The team comprises this...

FACTOTHUMS - FACTOry Technologies for HUMans Safety

The Project

FACTOTHUMS is a project selected within the MIUR initiative "La Fabbrica del Futuro". The duration of the project lasts two years and it comprises three teams of three CNR institutes: IMM, ITIA and IMAMOTER. Dr. Alessandro Pecora is the principal investigator...


CORTICONIC is a European three years project. In particular, CORTICONIC belongs to Research Area: ICT-2011.9.11 FET Proactive; Neuro-Bio-Inspired Systems.

Corticonic, echoing electronics, consists of abstracting salient features of cortical organization for use in the simulation of the...

COSMIC - Complementary Organic Semiconductors and Metal Integrated Circuits


COSMIC project was a Large Scale Integrated Project  funded by the European Union in the Seventh Framework Programme.  The project was coordinated by Fraunhofer and included as partners CEA-Liten, ST-Microelectronics, TNO, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, IMEC, University of Catania,...

MOS-QUITO --- MOS-based Quantum Information TechnOlogy

This is a research and Innovation Action of the Eu Horizon 2020 Programme


In this project, CMOS technology will be exploited to fabricate nanodevices to implement and benchmark different architectures of quantum bits (qubits) based on spin degree of freedom at cryogenic...

Lab4MEMSII Micro-Optical MEMS, micro-mirros and pico-projectors

Lab4MEMS II project is funded by the European Nanoelectronics Initiative Advisory Council (ENIAC) Joint Undertaking (JU), a public-private partnership in nanoelectronics.
Lab4MEMS II focuses on Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) that merge MEMS with Micro-optics to sense or...


MAGWIRE: Magnetic Nanowires for High Density Non Volatile Memories

Fast, high capacity, low factor and low power non-volatile memories are a crucial enabler of today’s ICT. They are already an important part of all electronic systems, representing a growing market segment...

RAMP - Real neurons-nanoelectronics Architecture with Memristive Plasticity

Information processing in classical von Neumann architectures is less efficient compared to biological counterparts when dealing with ill-posed problems and noisy data.

The reason is that the biological brain is configured differently and the key is its evolving structure, where...

MORE - Advanced Metal-Oxide heterostructures for nanoscale RERAM

The MORE, or "Advanced Metal-Oxide heterostructures for nanoscale RERAM" project focuses on the synthesis and characterization of resistive switching properties of thin film- and nanowire- heterostructures, as building blocks...

MemoCiS - Memristors-Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications

MemoCiS  - COST Action IC1401 : “Memristors-Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications” (10/12/2014-9/12/2018).

COST IC1401 (MemoCIS) is the Action on "Memristors - Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications". The main objective of the...

NeuRAM3 - NEUral computing aRchitectures in Advanced Monolithic 3D-VLSI nano-technologies

This is a research and Innovation Action of the Eu Horizon 2020 Programme


Starting date: 1/1/2016; duration: 42 months


Objectives: We propose to fabricate a chip implementing a neuromorphic architecture that supports state-of-the-art machine...

3DMetChemIT-“Advanced 3D chemical metrology for innovative technologies”

3DMetChemIT, is a research project under the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research. 


Consumer demand for faster, smarter and cheaper products drives innovation in high value-added technologies....
