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CNR-IMM premiato per la ricerca sulle Perovskiti

La terza edizione del Premio giovani ricercatrici e ricercatori del Gruppo 2003 ha finalmente i suoi dieci vincitori: dieci quanto i temi molto attuali e innovativi che sono stati presentati quest’anno dal Gruppo. Rivolto alle ricercatrici e ai ricercatori con meno di 7 anni di attività dalla...

Progetto Sericoli

Progetto Sericoli: StrumEnto per la RIgenerazione delle matrici Acquose in presenza di batteri COLIformi

Realizzato con il sostegno della Fondazione Sicilia

Bando Aperto 2021, Settore - Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica: Sviluppo e...

ANTÌBIO (ANTIBIOtics removal from water by imprinted magnetic nanomaterials)

L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di realizzare nanomateriali, che sotto irraggiamento solare o ultravioletto siano capaci di rimuovere e degradare selettivamente e completamente gli antibiotici dall'acqua. I nanomateriali, sotto forma di polveri, avranno un core magnetico che ne permetterà la...

RISEN – Real-tIme on-site forenSic tracE qualificatioN


Traditional forensic examinations are usually time consuming which can be problematic when investigations are underway and quick results are needed.  Traces must be detected on-site as soon as possible before they degrade and loose forensic information...

5D NanoPrinting - Functional & dynamic 3D nano-micro devices by direct multi-photon lithography


Micro and nano electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) are applied in a wide range of areas, from healthcare to the automotive sector, to consumer electronics. However, their development is a time-consuming and expensive process requiring complex and time-...

SiC Nano for PicoGeo – SiC optical nano-strain-meters for pico-detection in Geosciences


As populations increase, more and more people are living near volcanoes and seismic faults. Accurate and precise measurement of slow-moving and small strain transients preceding volcanic eruptions and earthquakes is critical to the protection of infrastructure...

SLAM-DAST - Smart LightwAve Multi-modal Distributed Acoustic Strain and Temperature sensor


Sensing changes in parameters is essential to everything from health and tire pressure to smart homes and industrial applications. Distributed fibre optic sensing (D-FOS) technologies take this one step further. The 'distribution' aspect refers to the ability...

RESIST - RESilient transport InfraSTructure to extreme events


Despite the relatively good safety record of the transport sector, sudden failures of infrastructure assets are not uncommon. Extreme weather events, such as heavy rain and flooding, can result in bridge collapses and earthworks failures, which are safety ...

MINEON - MINiaturized Electron Optics for Nano-controlled beams


The evolution of technologies in virtually all fields follows a similar route, packing ever greater functionality into increasingly compact designs that simultaneously expand access due to portability and space requirements. Much as computers have evolved from...

Q-SORT – Quantum Sorter


Q-SORT introduces a revolutionary concept whereby the transmission electron microscope (TEM) is employed as a so-called Quantum Sorter, i.e. a device that is able to pick out and display detailed information about electron quantum states. This in turn provides...

ERC-PoC "XMem"

Alessandro Molle, from CNR-IMM, PI of the project and already ERC grantee for the project “XFab” since 2018, is awarded the ERC-PoC grant "XMem" aimed at assessing the technology transfer of fully stabilised silicene nanosheets...

Progetto PRO(wellbeing)STATE Sviluppo di un sistema innovativo per la gestione globale della salute del paziente con tumore prostatico

Periodo dal 01/10/2019 al 23/03/2021



Il Progetto: Obiettivi e risultati

Gli obiettivi finali comprendono:

a) lo sviluppo di strumenti innovativi per la diagnosi e terapia del tumore prostatico,...

Epitaxial Transition Metal dichalcogenides Onto wide bandgap hexagonal Semiconductors for advanced electronics

The european project ETMOS, coordinated by CNR-IMM in Catania, has been funded by MUR in the framework of the 2019 FlagERA JTP call "Graphene – Applied Research and Innovation".

The project aims at developing high electronic quality transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs...


L’Istituto autonomo Villa Adriana e Villa d’Este – VILLAE, in partnership con il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica dell'Università  Tor Vergata e con l'Istituto per la Microelettronica e Microsistemi del CNR, ha ottenuto un finanziamento nella Call per il Distretto Tecnologico per le nuove...

GaN4AP - GaN for Advanced Power Applications

The European project GaN4AP aims at making GaN-based electronics the main technology in all power converter systems.To reach this ambitious goal, the project has four main objectives:


1. Develop innovative power conversion systems based on state-of-the-art GaN-based High Electron...
